Baldinof / roadrunner-bundle

A RoadRunner worker integrated in your Symfony app
MIT License
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Bug: Files cached in next POST Request #66

Closed Fichtme closed 2 years ago

Fichtme commented 2 years ago

I've a weird issue when im testing my application.

Is it possible that this bundle caches files?

After our test sends a file using a POST request, the next POST request throws an unexpected 400. It received the file from the previous request. After debugging i found out that's not the test bundle (codeception) sending the file. I used an ngrok tunnel to verify this. The Symfony profiler said it received the file.

So it somewhere in the application receiving the request and using the file from the previous request.

Im currently debugging, but if anybody knows something, im all ears! This issue started since i stopped running my migrations after each test. bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate -n

Fichtme commented 2 years ago

Ngrok: image

Symf profiler: image

Fichtme commented 2 years ago

Found the issue.

The problem was not the bundle, but roadrunner it's self! Bug appeared in rr version 2.6.4, downgraded to the latest verson 2.3.1 fixed the issue!