Closed KakakuCZ closed 1 year ago
Hi, thank you for using this package :)
It's working on my side on a fresh symfony project.
Can you show me your php version and the version of the packages you are using ?
$ composer show | grep -e 'symfony' -e 'roadrunner'
$ php -v
PHP 7.4.27 Symfony: 3.4.47 RR: 2.1.0
Thanks, and what's the version of the baldinof/roadrunner-bundle package?
👍 I'll try to have a look
This package does not support Symfony 3.4, how did you manage to install this package?
Are you sure sessions are enabled in your php.ini for CLI? What's your output of php -r 'var_dump(extension_loaded("session"));'
Hello, I used roadrunner blackfire integration from your bundle and when i'm trying to profile any page, I have problem with session. It throws an error "ErrorException: session_start(): user session functions not defined in .../.../vendor/symfony/http-foundation/Session/Storage/NativeSessionStorage.php:154".
I have no idea, what should cause this type of error. I suppose, that php extension wraps whole project in some "box", which doesn't allow me to call session. Why? I don't know.
I have installed php extension for blackfire (php.ini) and blackfire-php-sdk. If I run blackrire on FPM, everything works fine, so it shouldn't be problem in Symfony. Can you help me, what should be problem?
This is log of profiling. There are two requests (is that right?). First is OK, but second falls on session_start();
Edit: I tried to make a minimum version of your code (without any sessions, etc.). I used only minimum code (HttpFoundationWorker and your implementation of Blackfire).
Same error :(
Symfony Controller (FPM works fine, RR on this endpoint works fine until i turn on profiling by extension):