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Enhancement put behind login #11

Open bryceprutsos opened 1 year ago

bryceprutsos commented 1 year ago

Are there any plans to put behind any login system? It would be nice to host securely to the world.

BaldissaraMatheus commented 1 year ago

I don't plan to make a whole authorization system for the application because I don't think it should be the app's responsability. You already can do that by using different services like Authelia and Cloudflare Zero Trust.

But I do think it could be integrated with different auth protocols like LDAP, though I still need to research further into this subject on how to do that, how it can be benefitial and if it's worth it doing so.

mms-gianni commented 1 year ago

I had a very good experience with passport.js .

What it is missing is a role-based access. So after a login, you could not assign admin or user permissions.

rikrdo1979 commented 11 months ago

Easily you can add middleware http auth using traefik as reverse proxy

thinkbig1979 commented 1 month ago

OIDC support would be awesome. I use Zitadel for SSO, many other use Keycloak or Authelia. Being able to implement auth and SSO this way would be great!