BaldissaraMatheus /

A self-hosted, Markdown file based task management board
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Tasks saved in md keeps getting updated to rich text and that messes up the md file #70

Closed accforgithubtest closed 5 months ago

accforgithubtest commented 5 months ago

I think this is potentially a very critical bug, as any task saved in markdown format is lost permanently.

To recreate the issue -

If possible, I recommend that the textbox always defaults to markdown, instead of richtext (given this is afterall :) )


First attempt at creating a new task - Initial File

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When re-opening the same task

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Once a task is re-opened in the browser, the md file is also auto-saved in the messed up format.

BaldissaraMatheus commented 5 months ago

Thanks for reporting the issue, I'm checking it right now. My guess is that Stacks Editor (the text editor we're using right now) doesn't support checkboxes. If that's the case I may consider replace it with a different editor, since using checkboxes for tasks is something very reasonable. But in any case it shouldn't be escaping those characters.

About your suggestion of setting markdown mode as default, I think it makes sense and I'll create a new issue to track that and use this one for the bug you reported

accforgithubtest commented 5 months ago

I may consider replace it with a different editor

Would something like shd101wyy/markdown-preview-enhanced be a good candidate ?

I noticed it enables many other useful features like support for mermaid diagrams etc, So will probably get a lot more functionality by using it.

BaldissaraMatheus commented 5 months ago

Would something like shd101wyy/markdown-preview-enhanced be a good candidate ?

Sure, any suggestions are welcome. Though this one seems to be an extension for vscode, so not sure if it could be used here

accforgithubtest commented 5 months ago

ok, thanks for your reply.

I am not a developer myself, but heard another developer colleague of mine mention that he is using shd101wyy/markdown-preview-enhanced in vscode and was raving about it. so I asked him to show it to me and thought I will share it here as well. Unfortunate that it is not something that can be used here.

BaldissaraMatheus commented 5 months ago

Just released a new version that sets the editor's default mode to Markdown mode and saves the user preference in the browser's local storage, so it will load the last used mode. This change was included by

The checkbox issue is being tracked on, so I'll close this one.

If it's not working properly or someone thinks it could be improved, feel free to comment here and I'll open the issue again