BaldissaraMatheus /

A self-hosted, Markdown file based task management board
MIT License
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Checkbox functionality #76

Open kenshin-takahiro opened 5 months ago

kenshin-takahiro commented 5 months ago

It would be great if you could enable checkboxes in the notes section of the tasks. As you probably know the markdown syntax is this: - [ ]

It would look like this:

BaldissaraMatheus commented 5 months ago

Yeah, that's something I plan to work on very soon. I could be wrong, but it looks like the editor we're using does not support checkboxes. If that's the case we'll need to switch to a different editor

Also reported in #70

BaldissaraMatheus commented 5 months ago

It seems like StacksEditor, the editor we are currently using, implements the CommonMark specification, which does not support task list / checkboxes. So we'll have to switch to a different editor that supports GFM. This change will require some effort so I will not be able to deliver for the next release (which is going to be done this weekend), but is certainly going to be the focus for the next one

Edit: Investigating a bit, I think it may be achieved by adding this functionality as a plugin, but right know I'm not sure

Edit 2: I reported an issue about this feature in the editor repo

kenshin-takahiro commented 5 months ago

Looking forward to it for sure! Also if you can eventually show in the front of the card the amount of checkboxes that exist inside and how many of them are checked (i.e. 2/3, similar to how planka does it).

BaldissaraMatheus commented 5 months ago

I appreciate any suggestions on editors that works similarly as the one we currently use (must have markdown and rich text mode, local images upload, can be customized with css).

If someone knows one please add a comment in this thread. I'm also adding pinning the issue so more people can see it.

kenshin-takahiro commented 5 months ago

I'd appreciate any suggestions on editors that works similarly as the one we currently use (must have markdown and rich text mode, upload local images, can be customized with css).

If someone knows one please add a comment in this thread. I'm also adding pinning the issue so more people can see it.

The built-in text/md editor in Nextcloud is pretty full featured, although I don't think it has rich text, but it has everything else. I think it is this one here: It looks very good: image

lephtHanded commented 5 months ago

also please choose one that has the copy functionality in the code block

like this one does  ----------->