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Custom theme is not working #96

Closed azzamsa closed 3 weeks ago

azzamsa commented 1 month ago

Hi, 👋

I've tried changing this line to use a different custom theme and even tried random string, but nothing changes. Not even an error message. I also restarted the container after each change.

@import url(./color-themes/nord.css);

Am I missing something?

Thanks for 🍜

BaldissaraMatheus commented 1 month ago

I just tried creating a new container and changing this line from custom.css and it seems to be working fine. After updating this file try pressing ctrl + f5 on the browser to clear the cache, then let me know if it works

azzamsa commented 1 month ago

Tried to refresh multiple times and it doesn't work.

-@import url(./color-themes/adwaita.css);
+@import url(./color-themes/random.css);


But after Ctrl+f5 it works. I think we need to add this browser cache thing to the readme I am ready with a PR if you are okay.

image image

BaldissaraMatheus commented 1 month ago

Sure, if you have a PR prepared feel free to submit it, then I'll review it soon. I agree that it should be pointed out in the docs