Buzz droid Swarm does not triger its effect on overlap when it is launched and immediately overlaps a ship.
If ship 'A' moves through a buzz droid swarm attached to Ship 'B', it gets attached to ship 'B'. Then at Initiative 0, when the critical Damage should be inflicted to only ship 'B', both ship 'A' and Ship 'B' suffer the critical damage, even if ship 'A' has not attached any buzz droid to it.
If a buzz droid swarm Is attached to the front or back of a ship, if it overlaps ANY other object, the buzz droid has to attached to the other Side. If it overlaps any other Object at the front AND the Back, the buzz droid Swarm and the ship it is attached to, both suffer 1 normal damage. Thies does not happen to every object. It doesnt happen on overlap of an Obstacle, another buzz droid Swarm or bombs or mines.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Play some games using a buzz droid swarm against the AI
Fly Casual Release Version Latest
Describe the bug
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: