BalestraPatrick / HomeKitty

A Vapor 3 website to easily browse HomeKit accessories.
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Update to Swift 5 #162

Closed kimdv closed 1 year ago

BalestraPatrick commented 5 years ago

Mmh, looks like CI failed on that. Is it required to move to Swift 5 right now? We could also encounter some problems when deploying to Heroku since we would have to find a suitable Swift 5 Linux version and hope it works there too.

kimdv commented 5 years ago

Not other than Swift 5 performs a lot better than Swift 4.1 🤷‍♂️ Specially when coming to string. I think I rad somewhere that loads 20% faster or something like that, when they moved from Swift 4.2 to Swift 5.

Can se not just use the plan Swift 5 image? (Never used Heroku and Swift before)

BalestraPatrick commented 5 years ago

We have specified to use the latest Docker image in the circle configuration but unfortunately it's not doing so.

kimdv commented 5 years ago

Maybe we should try use this:

But strange it works with Swift 4.1 and not Swift 5 🤔