Balimbanana / SM-Synergy

This is a collection of SourceMod addons/plugins/translations for Synergy.
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How to use #14

Open chibinekit opened 10 months ago

chibinekit commented 10 months ago

Hello. yarik2720 recommended using SourceMod to avoid problems, but I am an inexperienced user, so I had some questions. I'll make it clear that I need to play through the entire game (HL2: Update, Episode One, Episode Two, Lost Coast), and I'm not interested in other content. There are only 2 of us - me and my partner. We will also use animations from MMod, improvements to decal and prop textures, LOGO remover and a collection of fixes. Initially, Synergy is installed as usual, through the Steam client, along the path: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Synergy. When using Syndsinstall, it is suggested to select several iterations, initially I used Twitch, but yarik2720 recommends installing development, which, however, does not offer a .bat file (Regular refers to the public version, right?). After completing the installation of the Twitch version, I typed RT, thereby starting the installation of Mod Supports. When the download is complete, I close the console. So, the game server is installed at the path D:\SteamCMD\steamapps\common\syntwitch and the next step is to open the synergy\custom folder in it. I put SM in it - the only thing that, as I understand it, is required for the server, all other mods must be installed on the client side. For the collection of fixes to work, it is necessary to change the content_mount_synergy_mod_path_priority from 2 to 0 along the path syntwitch\synergy\cfg in server2.cfg. Now I open the console and write: srcds.exe -game synergy -console +maxplayers 2 +sv_lan 0 +map d1_trainstation_01 +exec server2.cfg -port 27015 -nocrashdialog -timeout 1 -insecure +sv_glow_enable 0.

The introduction is over, now the questions:

  1. Is it still better to use Twitch or somehow install the development version?
  2. On the client side, is it enough to launch Synergy from Steam?
  3. Here is an almost complete server console. If you run srcds from regular Synergy, it automatically detects hl2u and prompts you to enter: map hl2u d1_trainstation_01 to launch maps from Update. srcds from syntwitch does not detect hl2u at all. As I found out, auto-detection of cards was added to 56, thereby removing mount.cache. If you add the Half-Life 2 Update shortcut to SteamCMD\steamapps\common by analogy with the shortcut for the original parts, then nothing will change. How do you still run hl2u?
  4. How to save ammunition/health/armor of players? When testing regular cards, the Save Game button does nothing, immediately closing the menu. There is a parameter sv_savedir save2/ in server2.cfg, but how does it work? Every time you start, you need to change the name of the map that you stopped at in the previous session - this is a trifle, but is it possible to save the state of the players?
  5. Regular notepad has been removed from my system, since I replaced it with Notepad++, which is why an error appears when writing Y in the console. As I understand it, this just concerns server2.cfg?
  6. Is there any way to disable the killfeed/deathnotice in the upper right corner of the screen? This table greatly distracts from the gameplay.
  7. Do I need to add anything else to server2.cfg, like the example from this guide? Since in SourceMod by default the cards replace each other, as I understand it, everything else is also configured optimally? Except, of course, for the maximum number of players and the use of .EDT.

P. S. Having launched steamcmd.exe, I decided to enter app_update 290930 to install Update along the path D:\SteamCMD\steamapps\common, since creating a shortcut from D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life 2 Update did not help. Indeed, thanks to this, the server finally saw the Update and offered to specify the tag when selecting a card: hl2 or hl2u. Unfortunately, changing d1_trainstation_06 to d1_canals_01 leads to a server crash, just as it happened when creating the server in the client. d1_trainstation_01-06 are located after d1_canals and before d1_town - this can be seen even from the game interface. Fortunately, this was fixed by opening Syndsinstall and writing ISM followed by FP to install the entire package of plugins. Thanks to it, switching from hl2u d1_trainstation_06 to d1_canals_01 does not crash the game. Although this assembly ends up working unstable for me.

Balimbanana commented 10 months ago

The SyndsInstall script has been updated for the development branch install now. It might be best to not use the full pack FP, as some of those only really work on 56.16 regular branch. Most of the fixes come from SynFixes, EDTRebuild, and SynSaveRestore.

As for the list:

  1. Currently the development branch has crashes over map changes, and I am not sure if all the signatures/offsets actually work for SourceMod. The Twitch branch is a bit more stable, but only specifically for HL2, Ep1, Ep2 with no mod support.
  2. It should be fine, so long as the client is set to the same beta that the server is running, and have all the same workshop addons or custom files.
  3. The mount.cache has been removed for a long time, mounts are done by Synergy/synergy/content/*.dat files. The Twitch branch doesn't really work with any custom mounts as of current. It is possible to make a link instead of a shortcut that will be detected, but you must use mklink /j "<gamename>" "<path\to\gamename"> it may be easier to install by SteamCMD for some.
  4. SynSaveRestore has a permanent save function, but it mainly only works for 56.16 on Windows currently. It sort of works on Linux, but it can still crash, or if you are running the utilfixes extension it can sometimes just reset the map instead. The sv_savedir function is meant for forked servers, it stores autosaves on the current map which loads when all players die, and saves entities over map transitions. In almost all cases, you still need to changelevel to the last map you were on, even if loading a save. There was some additional functionality added in the development branch where on server start you could put in load autosave and it would change to the last map it was on and load players in, but this functionality has broken over updates.
  5. Yes.
  6. sv_deathnotice 0
  7. A lot of things in that guide are no longer correct and can break things for example: the appid of the server is not 17525, -secure doesn't work in Synergy, fps_max has no effect on the server, the only -ip option you should use is -ip mapchangecfgfile doesn't exist anymore, and there is not really any reason to set sv_timeout above 30, it will just leave clients hanging with a huge countdown to disconnect in the top right corner when the server crashes. The other configurations in there are fine I suppose, but most of them are already the same as default.
chibinekit commented 10 months ago

Thank you for this. Sorry for the abundance of questions, unfortunately, detailed instructions for Synergy are quite difficult to find. So, typing cd /D D:\SteamCMD\steamapps\common and then mklink /j "Half-Life 2 Update" "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life 2 Update" does work as an alternative to installing Update.

  1. I installed the Regular server, but when connecting from the regular version of the client, an error occurs that the server is running on Synergy 20.3. By switching the client to the Twitch version, it seems that I created a somewhat incompatible connection (Twitch client and Regular server, at least both of the same version), since when testing d1_canals_01, at first everything went great, even Stun Baton played with the correct animation, and not intermittently. Unfortunately, I decided to check if the server would crash after death (last time I got into a softlock and then crashed when I couldn’t open the door at the ruins after jumping on a train). I entered kill in the game console, after which the server shut down. After re-logging in and trying to write hud_saytext_time 5, the server crashed again. Also, when writing !votecar, nothing happens. When running the server on syntwitch, I did not encounter such problems (Twitch client and Regular server). But Stun Baton became glitchy again. But I earned !votecar. load autosave works on both versions! On d1_canals_01 on the Twitch server, if you don’t have time to go down into the water from a passing Alliance train, then the autosave will be to the door, which can only let you in once. What is the best thing to do in this case? By the way, should I not touch the installed SourceMod plugins by default? For syntwitch, I additionally installed only these 4 plugins, adding votecar to your recommended ones just in case.
  2. Is there any difference between launching the server through 1) SyndsInstall (R/RT keys), 2) the console and 3) a .bat file with launch keys the same as in the console?
  3. I also found a way to disable killfeed for the entire server! Should I use -nohltv/tv_enable 0? This variable is included in the official but outdated manual for Synergy, but most likely it is now useless? And is it possible to disable MOTD? The cl_disablehtmlmotd 0/1/-1 command doesn't seem to work.
  4. As of today, should I override cl_playermodel and introduce sv_cheats 1, increase the maximum number of players by 1 for Alyx spawn, or remove ent_cache?
  5. I'm concerned about the choppy game physics when interacting with moving objects and props. For example, on the map d1_trainstation_06, when creating a server through the game interface, I can easily interact with a bucket of paint and easily throw it over the fence. If I create a server through srcds, then the movement of the object becomes intermittent and the force with which I can throw an object decreases, so the bucket cannot fly over the fence so easily. I assume that this is related to the FPS of physics; the server console displays its operation at ~60 FPS, while the client FPS is ~90 and ping is ~5. Setting fps_max 60 in the game console does not change anything. I may try to record a better video of the paint bucket moving, which will show the choppy motion better.
  6. I also have some problems with hl2u d1_town_05. Something is wrong with the passage to the barn, where the end of the level is, it simply does not let me through, both with mp_vintage_mode 1 applied and without it, after a shootout with all the enemies, when trying to go further, it pushes me out. I don't think it's because the enemies get stuck, since I tried not to throw grenades at their spawn location so that they would all have time to run out.

Also, while I was looking for information in the discussions, I learned about Lambda, but this project does not yet support episodes and most likely does not have the same fan support that Synergy has.

Balimbanana commented 10 months ago

The link is for if you already have HL2U installed on a different drive and just need it to be accessible to the server's steamapps\common without needing to download it twice, once for client and once for server. Instead just download once for client, and link the server to it.

  1. It should work if you run the server through SyndsInstall for changing branches, as it separates the directories. If you are getting the message "Server class tables don't match" or something like this, then the server is running a newer version than the client, if it specifies the version number, then the client is running a newer version than the server. You can't connect between regular, Twitch, or Development. I am not entirely sure why that gate is breaking over a reload of a save point. I don't think I have run in to that particular issue before. If you need to disable reloading of checkpoints all together, use mp_reset 0 either in server console or server config. The only default plugins that should be removed is nextmap as it causes crashes on changelevel in almost every game I have ever tried nextmap on. I am not entirely sure why that plugin is shipped with SourceMod when it has only ever caused issues for every server I have ever seen it on.
  2. It is probably better to use the SyndsInstall script, as it has the main default parameters that you will need, and has the options for the other branches in it. Each of those R, RT, and RD are all different branches, if you manually start the server or update the server then it may not work correctly.
  3. I suppose it could potentially make a difference if you use -nohltv because the server usually reserves the max player slot for HLTV, even if it is not in use. You can disable the motd with cl_motd_disable 1 it has to be done on each client though. I did have a plugin that blocks the default motd server-side, and you can use !motd in chat to see it, but I don't think I posted it anywhere. The CVar cl_disablehtmlmotd will only affect how the motd is displayed, not if it opens. Basically with it set to 1, it will only show text elements, if it is 0 it can show images and other formatting changes in the motd.
  4. You could try removing the ent caches for the maps currently server-side and see if it makes a difference. EDTRebuild should automatically do this though on each map change as one of its fixes. sv_cheats shouldn't be required for fixing things, unless you are using ent_fire to fix specific events as they are happening. I am pretty sure the issue with Alyx not spawning was fixed in the updated EDTs, and there is a fallback in SynFixes for it anyways.
  5. The choppy physics is mainly from a prediction change for when you are connected to servers, you can reduce it a bit with some of the network variables:
    On the server:
    sv_client_cmdrate_difference shouldn't be too low, or too high, if it is too high it won't apply cmdrate's, if it is too low it can cause jitter as it switches between max and min.
    On the client:

    I don't think I have noticed that big of a change to throw force, it could be something from a point_servercommand on HL2U, you can change it server-side with player_throwforce it is considered a cheat command, so you would have to either do sm_cvar player_throwforce # or set sv_cheats 1 and change it, then turn off sv_cheats. The tickrate is still 66 on both listenserver and servers regardless of the framerate in Synergy. There are issues in Synergy if you change the tickrate (sequences don't play at the right times, things fall through the ground or bounce up in to the sky).

  6. This is an EDT issue, while a lot of things should be working across HL2U with the updated EDTs, there can still be some things that were missed because there aren't many people that play HL2U in Synergy, even though it can be supported. This should be fixed shortly in an update on

Lambda is a gamemode for Garry's Mod, there is less support for the full functionality of campaigns, and due to the mounting system that GMod uses, it likely will not have Ep1 or Ep2 support for a long time unless you manually quit the game and close the server, change the mounting information in 2 files, then restart the server directly on that mount point, and restart the client then join the server, and you will only be able to play that mounted point until you restart and change those files back.

chibinekit commented 10 months ago
  1. It seems that my installation of the (Regular) public version of the Synergy server is not going well. After reinstalling the public versions of the client and server, when entering the server the game still indicates that the Synergy server version is 20.3. When I try to log in, the error appears again. Since I was able to connect from the Twitch client version, does it mean that the Twitch version is installed instead of the public version? For example, there are no .dat files in the content folder, although they are present in the installed public version from Steam.
  2. The command for MOTD works! Just the same, my items fell through and bounced, apparently, by default the server has rather low network settings. I seem to have a good download/transfer speed, but my partner’s is 2-3 times worse. Regarding sv_client_cmdrate_difference, I’m not sure, I think I can send autoexec.cfg with the following parameters so that the settings of the two players match:
    hud_quickinfo 0
    cl_deathnotice 0
    cl_motd_disable 1
    rate 0
    cl_cmdrate 66
    cl_updaterate 66
    cl_interp 0.0152

    As I know, the first part of Half-Life had a maximum rate of 100000, CS:GO had 786432, and I set Team Fortress 2 to 400000. What is the maximum/optimal value for Synergy? By setting rate 400000 and other network settings indicated above, I was already managed to minimize delays. point_servercommand is changed by the command sv_allow_point_servercommand always? It is available in the game console, so I think it should also be added to autoexec.cfg. Do I need to write sm_cvar player_throwforce 1000 in server2.cfg? Do you think the default value might have changed? Although with the network setup, it seems to me that this is no longer the case.

  3. This is what I understand needs to be added to server2.cfg, since when starting the .bat file you cannot set -insecure and -nohltv, because the server immediately starts with standard settings on hl2 d1_trainstation_06.
    maxplayers 2
    port 27015
    timeout 1
    sv_glow_enable 0
    tv_enable 0
    sv_deathnotice 0
    mp_vintage_mode 1
    skill 1
    sv_maxupdaterate 66
    sv_maxcmdrate 66
    sv_maxrate 786432
    sv_client_max_interp_ratio -1

    Well, I missed this point a little, but editing skill_mod.cfg is still required? Or has this been fixed? People have more than once shared their difficulty settings (№1, №2), but during tests, at least on easy, I have not yet noticed any impassable moments. I also found out that I can change the difficulty settings through the Skill 1/2/3 parameter.

Balimbanana commented 10 months ago
  1. That generally doesn't happen unless you manually updated the regular install through SteamCMD, there is now a check to put it back on public in the SyndsInstall script so that should work if you update the script, then run an update on regular.
  2. The sv_ commands are server only, sending them to clients won't make a difference. The other rate commands should be automatically set when the client connects, if it isn't, you can try the corresponding sv_mincmdrate and sv_minrate etc. You may be able to send some of those commands through a plugin, but there isn't one made currently that sends specific commands like that. It is true that hud_quickinfo and cl_motd_disable is client-sided. I am not sure what the maximum rates are, but generally at or over 100000 is fine. For your other player, it may be best to leave cl_interp 0.1 if they have over 100 latency, having it below 0.1 can make things choppy. For any cheat flagged CVars you would have to put sm_cvar before the command, the default player_throwforce is 1000, so you could try a higher value until you get what feels correct. Also note that you can't put sm_cvar or any sm_ commands in server2.cfg as it executes before SourceMod initializes which will just give you "Unknown command sm_cvar" in console. You can add those commands in to just server.cfg which executes every map change, after SourceMod has initialized.
  3. The auto start already has -insecure -nohltv in the startup parameters. There isn't really much of a downside to running the default max players, if you just set a sv_password so nobody else can join if they don't have the password.

If you want the original HL2 difficulty, you would have to modify skill_mod.cfg most things have been modified in Synergy to be 1 or 2 steps up from what the original difficulty was. So easy (skill 1) would be more like normal or hard in default HL2.

chibinekit commented 10 months ago

Thank you. Corrected `svtocl` in the comment above.

  1. Apparently, in my case, mp_reset 1 causes errors, for example, if you exit at the moment when Barney runs out on the map d1_trainstation_06, then after loading the last point, the trigger breaks and the NPC simply does not appear to throw off the crowbar. A similar situation was observed on d1_town_05, when I could not get into the barn (even before the .edt fix), I re-logged into the server and saw the corpses of the combines, but at the same time their new squads appeared (whose corpses were just lying around). Setting it to 0 fixes this. But perhaps these are simply rare bugs, so it is better to leave this option enabled.
  2. autoexec.cfg does not launch itself, so I added +exec autoexec.cfg in the Steam launch options. So, NPC animations do not play correctly with lerp less than 50 (the FPS of animations drops sharply and they play jerkily). Therefore the best range is cl_interp 0.07-0.1. The commands sv_minupdaterate 33 and sv_mincmdrate 33 are responsible for the abrupt movement of props, namely their deviation from 66. Therefore, either the value of these commands should be identical to sv_maxupdaterate and sv_maxcmdrate, that is 66, or it is better not to specify these commands at all. It seems that rate below 100000 result in worse physics performance, so setting it to around 100000+ is most likely correct. As a result, autoexec.cfg should look like this:
    hud_quickinfo 0
    hud_saytext_time 0
    cl_deathnotice 0
    cl_motd_disable 1
    rate 100000
    cl_cmdrate 66
    cl_updaterate 66
    cl_interp 0.07
    bind "i" "say !sm_goto"
    bind "o" "say !votereload"
    bind "p" "say !votecar"
    bind "[" "say !fpd 0"
    bind "]" "say !fpd 1"
    bind "'" "say !model"
    bind "\" "say !hpmenu"
    bind "kp_end" "say !saysound *moan*"
    bind "kp_downarrow" "say !saysound *pain*"
    bind "kp_pgdn" "say !saysound *dead*"
    bind "kp_leftarrow" "say !saysound *strider*"
    bind "kp_5" "say !saysound *run*"
    bind "kp_rightarrow" "say !saysound *help*"
    bind "kp_home" "say !saysound *helpbro*"
    bind "kp_uparrow" "say !saysound *scream*"
    bind "kp_pgup" "say !saysound *vort*"
    bind "kp_ins" "say !saysound *gunship*"
    bind "kp_del" "say !saysound *dropship*"
    bind "kp_enter" "say !saysound *cheer*"
    bind "kp_plus" "say !saysound *follow*"
    bind "kp_minus" "say !saysound *lead*"
    bind "kp_multiply" "say !saysound *enemy*"
    bind "kp_slash" "say !saysound *cheese*"
    bind "numlock" "say !saysound *hacks*"
    bind "home" "say !saysound *givemedkit*"
    bind "pgup" "say !saysound *nice*"
    bind "end" "say !saysound *no*"
    bind "pgdn" "say !saysound *letsgo*"

    And server2.cfg is like this:

    maxplayers 2
    sv_deathnotice 0
    sv_glow_enable 0
    mp_vintage_mode 1
    sv_maxupdaterate 66
    sv_maxcmdrate 66
    sv_maxrate 100000
  3. Sometimes harvesters froze in A-pose on d1_canals_01 either before dying or before doing something. I also started getting CHAPTER3_TITLE text at the beginning of d1_canals_01. By the way, is it possible to disable the 1 minute delay between SourceMod commands?
  4. I go back to the console log because I want to make sure there are no more errors:
    1) CModelLoader: :Map_IsValid: No such map
    2) Unknown command
    3) KeyValues Error
    4) ConVarRef mat_dxlevel doesn't point to an existing ConVar
    5) Unable to remove d:\steamcmd\steamapps\common\synergy\synergy\gamestats.log!
    6) Error loading cfg/pure_server_minimal.txt
    7) Using map cycle file 'mapcycle.txt'. ('cfg/mapcycle.txt' was not found.)
    8) Error reading weapon data file for: weapon_oldmanharpoon
    9) Attempted to create unknown entity type logic_achievement!
    10) Can't init logic_achievement
    11) Set motd from file 'motd.txt'. ('cfg/motd.txt' was not found.)
    12) 'cfg/motd_text.txt' not found; not loaded

    1, 3, 7) based on this discussion, it's just a feature of the game, so everything is fine here. You also wrote about this. 2) Perhaps these commands are simply used for other versions of the Synergy. 4) This command appears to have been replaced by another. 5) Do I need to use nogamestats in server2.cfg? 6) And this error is apparently due to a large number of plugins? 8) Do I need this manual? 9, 10) Maybe this is how it should be. 11, 12) Apparently, this is just a file responsible for displaying messages in network modes. It should not affect the loading of the map in any way.

P. S. To avoid the CheckNPCAlly error, you need to leave healthdisplay.smx enabled, but disable health display using the !hpmenu command in chat (instructions for PTSD 2 are apparently outdated, since it specifies setting up healthdisplay via a .cfg file, which, at least for me, is not created). You can change the waiting time for the next !votecar command via votecar.cfg in the sm_votecartime line. Reinstallation helped to avoid a bug with displaying chargers. Changing the server tickrate to 66 after a complete reinstallation does not lead to anything; apparently, the client is configured by default to tickrate 33. However, CHAPTER_TITLE may appear before the beginning of the chapter, I don’t know how to disable it. If you go to d1_canals_01 from the previous one (_d1_trainstation_06_), then the title of the chapter will appear after CHAPTER3_TITLE, and if you immediately run map hl2u d1_canals_01, then the title of the chapter will not appear, only CHAPTER3_TITLE. This also happens at the beginning of A Red Letter Day. Perhaps there is an error reading hl2_language.txt (_hl2_russian.txt_)? In other matters, CP stopped getting into A-poses.

chibinekit commented 9 months ago

It seems that the stun baton bug is not related to the mod that changes the animation, but to the syntwitch dedicated server. The video begins with a stunstick animation on a server created through the Create Server button, and ends with a broken animation on a dedicated server. Is there any way to fix this? By the way, this message thread could somehow be combined with the Absolute beginners guide and Can you tell us what those plugins do? and serve as an alternative Readme.

Balimbanana commented 9 months ago

Hello, sorry for the delay.

  1. SynSaveRestore does have some persistent saves and restores, you can save by either a vote menu votereload which will give options: Reload Map, Reload Checkpoint, Create Persistent Save. Or admin commands: loadgame which will open a list of saves, or use optional parameter of the save name, and savegame with an optional parameter of save name. As an example of savegame and loadgame, you could do something like savegame recentsave then load that save with loadgame recentsave Just note that you can only save one instance of the named save, so if you ran savegame recentsave multiple times in a row, it will just print a message about the save already existing, but you can use deletesave recentsave if you want to delete it, then re-use the save name. For some of these situations it may be easier to just use savegame and loadgame then select the save from the list. As for the corpses, unfortunately I don't think there is really a way to fix that currently. The ragdolls are created client-side and are not cleaned up on checkpoint reload. It won't be too much of an issue to leave mp_reset 0 the main difference is for when all players die, it will just wait a few seconds then respawn everyone at the active checkpoint instead of reloading the last save.
  2. That all looks fine, the only things are these commands:
    port 27015
    timeout 1

    Are startup parameters, they won't apply to the running server by this config.

  3. Kind of answered in 1, as for the delays it is different for each plugin, VoteCar uses sm_votecartime which is executed from Synergy\synergy\cfg\sourcemod\votecar.cfg You can find most of the other plugins configs in there as well. For the T posing, that does seem to happen at certain times in Synergy, sometimes it can be from a mount order change, or a mod that has changed animation or the model's files themselves, it is a bit of a harder one to fix with what is available.
  4. HealthDisplay is required for SynSweps, it uses the same shared method for friend/foe system. You can set in the config, when it is created in Synergy\synergy\cfg\sourcemod\healthdisplay.cfg the CVar: healthdisplay_defaultmode and change it to 3, so it is disabled by default. Players can still use /hpmenu in chat to open a menu to turn it off or change settings for it.
  5. You can get rid of those messages on every map change by removing those maps from Synergy\synergy\mapcycle.txt and Synergy\synergy\maplist.txt It still needs to have 1 entry, so just put in d1_trainstation_01 or something. This will only affect the in-game map voting option. The reason those messages comes up is because Synergy will only mount the content that is required to play the current mount point (unless modified to do so). The in-game map vote system checks for if the map is valid, but because it is not actively mounted on the server, it is always seen as missing. This is just a bug. Almost every server on Synergy uses mapchooser, nominations, and rockthevote so you can actually vote for all available maps.

In terms of the other messages in console, the only one to note is [SM] Unable to load plugin "synsweps.smx": Native "CheckNPCAlly" was not found because CheckNPCAlly is part of HealthDisplay. weapon_oldmanharpoon is from Lost Coast, so that will only ever be valid while playing Lost Coast.

Balimbanana commented 9 months ago

The stunstick I think it most likely from server weapon scripts difference. If I remember correctly, I think the Twitch branch doesn't come with the scripts that are required for all the custom weapons (stunstick, deagle, mp5k, slam, mg1) you would have to copy them over from the regular branch or maybe development branch if it is back in there. They should be in: Synergy\synergy\scripts\weapon_stunstick.txt along with the other weapons. The only one that should not be in there is weapon_betagun.txt because it breaks the bugbait in certain situations.

chibinekit commented 9 months ago

Good evening. Everything is fine. Without your help I wouldn't have gotten far. Thank you for your detailed answer to each of the questions.

  1. Sorry, but I have not found a way to disable the display of the health of all NPCs (both friendly and hostile), except for other players. This may be useful in order to cure your partner in time, but as I understand it, there is no such option? The !hlmenu has a choice between showing the health of hostile and friendly NPCs, or the choice of showing the health of enemies and other players. The manually created healthdisplay.cfg, as I understand it, has the same functionality.
  2. Having removed everything from mapcycle.txt and maplist.txt except d1_trainstation_01, Map_IsValid error disappeared. I also have good news about CHAPTER_TITLE, it seems to only appear on a map that was run by the map command. For example, if you immediately run map hl2u d1_canals_01, then the Route Canal inscription will not be reproduced, instead CHAPTER3_TITLE will appear. But if you run map hl2u d1_trainstation_06 and go to d1_canals_01, then the title of the chapter will be reproduced correctly. So, as it turned out, there is nothing wrong with this feature.
  3. So, I installed another 2 versions of the server - Regular and Development. The file weapon_stunstick.txt is identical (№1, №2) in all three versions of the server and the Twitch version of the client (the file itself weighs 1423 bytes). In the file itself, these 2 lines confuse me:
    "viewmodel"             "models/weapons/v_stunstick.mdl"
    "playermodel"               "models/weapons/w_stunbaton.mdl"

    The models folder exists on all three versions of the server, but is missing from the Twitch client. This folder in all three versions has a weight of 2038 bytes, containing the weapons folder, which contains the w_physics.phy file. In general, a search for the models folder in the twitch client directory showed that the animations from MMod contain a similar structure (_there is v_stunstick.mdl and all the necessary files there_), but transferring the files highlighted in the screenshot did not lead to anything. However, without modifications the animation is also choppy. The size of the scripts folder in all three versions of the server and the Twitch version of the client differs, as does the number of files. There is no bug with animation on the public version of the dedicated server and client, the Development version simply does not start, I tried to launch it both with SourceMod installed (both the default plugins and the full package) and without it. I start the server using RD and then the server console closes, restarts via the .bat file and the whole cycle repeats. Out of curiosity, I tried to create my own run.bat with the launch keys named in the very first post. This didn't work. So, I moved the scripts folder from the Regular version to the Twitch version of the server, but this did not lead to anything. Creating a Dedicated Server on the Twitch client using run.bat with the command mentioned in post 1 causes the stunstick animation to remain correct.

  4. By the way, the third-person view cannot be configured in any way? In transport it completely breaks down, the cursor desynchronizes with the center of the screen and it becomes quite difficult to shoot. There is also a bug with the flashlight. I think this option will be improved with some kind of game update.
chibinekit commented 9 months ago

_We started playing the game on the Twitch version Half-Life 2: Update (I decided to leave all plugins enabled except nextmap, but this may be the reason for the instability. My partner has a ping of ~30.) and I have noticed a few errors so far:_

  1. Strangely, CHAPTER_TITLE (which I mentioned earlier) still appeared seconds before the chapter titles appeared.
  2. The music at the end of d1_trainstation_03 stops when the level changes to d1_trainstation_04. It activates when escaping and the player can only hear its beginning. Although, in fact, it should accompany the escape along the roof from CP.
  3. On d2_canals_05 my partner had a crash before receiving the airboat.
  4. Beginning of d1_canals_09 on hl2u takes off before meeting with helicopters. This command is displayed in the server console every second. After re-entering hl2, a little further on the game sometimes crashes. Apparently, due to frequent reboots, the client becomes unstable.
  5. d1_canals_10 - in the barn, where there is an elevator on which you can lower boats, it crashes both spontaneously and from frequent killing by helicopters.
  6. The machine gun on the airboat, often does not have a shooting effect when shooting at a helicopter, as well as no display of bullets.
  7. d1_canals_12 - also crashed when you try to get into the pipe after the secret with the mill. The ragdoll under the mill is strangely pushed under the floor if you try to walk on it. load autosave on this map causes the spawn floor to become toxic, here's the console. The only thing that helps is creating a map via map hl2u d1_canals_12. But then the situation is similar to d1_town_05, the HEV suit is at the beginning of the level, although on other maps it is often hidden.
  8. d1_canals_13 - the battle with helicopter bosses leads to constant crashes, as there is a very high risk of crashing at the beginning of the level, when airboats spawn on top of each other, apparently thereby provoking a crash. Switching to hl2u already fixed it. I also noticed that the increase in their health was too strong, after all, vintage mode is better suited for two players. With frequent deaths during battles with helicopters, the sound of shooting can be constantly played back quickly, and from each airboat.

Also, for convenience, I can go to the path syntwitch\synergy\cfg\sourcemod and change these 2 values in sourcemod.cfg:

sm_vote_delay 0
sm_flood_time 0
Balimbanana commented 9 months ago

For the stunstick animation still being incorrect, you may have to change the CVar: content_mount_synergy_mod_path_priority it only exists on Twitch and development branches and it changes the order that some things are mounted. Changes to this CVar will only apply on next map change, you can test running with it set to 0 then changelevel and if it is still wrong, try setting it to 1 or 2 and changelevel again.

  1. The CHAPTER_TITLE is most likely due to a bug in loading certain titles from mods, you could potentially fix it if everyone and the server has Synergy\synergy\content\hl2u_titles.txt which you would get from: steamapps\common\Half-Life 2 Update\hl2\scripts\titles.txt although some of this functionality has been modified/broken then fixed over updates, so that is only a maybe.

  2. That is a problem that could be fixed between SynFixesDev and an EDT change to start the song up again on the roof. Music that has been started before players spawn in is not played for those players, SynFixesDev has a system in place to attempt to play the song at the same point it should be for other players from the start point.

  3. That looks like it could also be an issue from content_mount_synergy_mod_path_priority or those files may be missing for some reason, those ones should be shipped with Synergy in the VPK or in the HL2DM VPK that is also shipped. If they crashed after dying, it could be one of several issues that is currently in Synergy including if the ragdoll is failed to be created, the client will crash, or if the model has become invalidated which normally happens if you see players twitching back and forth. Usually that can be avoided if you set fps_max 60 but if you have a higher refresh rate, you can also alt-tab every time you see the twitching start and it usually will reset for a while.

  4. The first picture is showing particle functions which comes from failing to parse the custom shaders that are used in HL2U. The broadcast filter should be fine, it may lag a little, it comes from a server user message or event that is fired before players have spawned in, that would have to be fixed in code to check if players have actually loaded in before sending these.

  5. This may be an issue specific to the Twitch or Development branches, I haven't seen this bug in specific I can maybe test some things in a couple days.

  6. This is also an issue with Twitch branch which has a draw check that can't really be modified with plugins.

7 and 8, I'll have to check in to those later on.

chibinekit commented 9 months ago
  1. The stunstick animation plays correctly if you set the content_mount_synergy_mod_path_priority value to 1 or 2. This is strange, since both the patch set and your manual indicate a value of 0, but even at 1 or 2 your patches together with yarik2720 work. By default, server2.cfg is set to 2, should I change it to 1 or leave it at 2?
  2. Copying titles.txt from Half-Life 2 Update\hl2\scripts to syntwitch\synergy\content and then renaming the file to hl2u_titles.txt did not work. If you create a content folder on the client side (initially there is no such folder in the Twitch version of the client), also copying hl2u_titles.txt into it - this leads to nothing.
Balimbanana commented 9 months ago
  1. Yeah, unfortunately there are some things that have changed back and forth and some settings break other things but fix these things so it is hard to know exactly if it will work for certain things. In the Mod Support's there were issues before if you had set content_mount_synergy_mod_path_priority to anything other than 0 the EDTs would not load causing all the maps to break. This may also be noticeable if certain maps in HL2U start breaking, then the code is using the base older EDTs which have no modifications for HL2U. It may work on 2, but have other side effects. An alternative is potentially copying the weapon models/materials/scripts out of synergy_pak.vpk and the base syntwitch\synergy\scripts in to a different directory in synwtich\synergy\custom\customdir so it would look like for example: syntwitch\synergy\custom\customdir\models\weapons\v_stunstick.mdl You may need everyone and the server to all have the whole directory of customdir in their custom directory for it to work.

  2. It would appear that functionality may also either be removed, or only work on a specific number of content_mount_synergy_mod_path_priority It should work in the regular branch, but there can be other issues with that, including randomly stopping working over certain map changes which I have seen.

chibinekit commented 9 months ago

It seems like my problems are mostly related to using the Twitch development branch. As I understand it, in order to avoid the problems described above, at least most of them, you should still choose the Public version of the game? Just in case, I can quickly go through the game alone and report all the errors I find, if, of course, I come across them alone on the server. Perhaps I should stop using Half-Life 2: Update?

  1. I did everything as you said and it worked. I also tried putting the unpacked synergy_pak.vpk in custom and that also worked. So this can be solved in 2 ways, although I only tested with stunstick.
  2. At first, when I did also as you said, I had the chapter title appear before the CHAPTER_TITLE message popped up again, if I put hl2u_titles.txt only on the server, when I put hl2u_titles on the client, then except for the sudden appearance of the chapter title in at the beginning of the map, the CHAPTER_TITLE message did not appear. I didn’t attach any importance to this, since the next launches after a while everything returned as it was originally. Switching content_mount_synergy_mod_path_priority back to 1 and 0 doesn't seem to work for me. After several reboots and changes in the custom folder, CHAPTER_TITLE disappeared again and the chapter title began to appear, albeit just as abruptly. Most likely, this works with content_mount_synergy_mod_path_priority 0, but perhaps I didn’t re-enter 1 and 2 enough by doing any actions in the server folder. However, having restarted again, I now see the sharp appearance of the correct chapter title and CHAPTER_TITLE. I assume that hl2_english.txt (_in my case hl2_russian.txt_) along the path Half-Life 2 Update\hl2\resource might be useful?
  3. It’s strange, but not together on the Twitch version, not alone on the Public version, the music on the roof of d1_trainstation_04 does not play, although I switch to the level from the past, where at the end it starts to sound.
  4. I also found this thread with questions and answers that may be useful, but it probably won't work for me since my partner is a pretty bad player.

    SynModes has a config in steamapps\common\Synergy\synergy\cfg\sourcemod\synmodes.cfg which contains a couple CVars that you may want to set up for Survival Mode. For the main gamemode, change sm_gamemodeset "coop" to sm_gamemodeset "survival"

    Then you will want to add to the bottom of the config (it is not present by default) synsweps_spawnwith "weapon_medkit"

Wouldn't this cause instability for two players?

Ah alright, the ragdoll removal issue is from synfixes_remove_playerragdolls which should be in steamapps\common\Synergy\synergy\cfg\sourcemod\synfixes.cfg The reason it is 1 by default is because of a crash that can occur on creation of player ragdolls, but it generally only happens on higher player counts, so it should be fine to turn it off. Spectating in first person is possible with plugins, I don't have one currently, but it is essentially just one property, m_iObserverMode set to the right number on dead players.

P. S. I also discovered a problem with the rendering of the airboat machine gun on the Public version of Synergy. But other problems with crashes on it did not catch me, although I did not go through it from the very beginning and did not use load autosave. I think that the Public version still has all the advantages due to stability and is not inferior in functionality to the Twitch development branch.

Also a few questions that arose on the Public version:

  1. d1_canals_01 - an invisible wall does not allow you to change levels, the airboat simply crashes into it, no matter how many times you try to fly from the springboard.
  2. On the Public version, unlike Twitch, when you look at a player, his nickname and percentages appear in orange text. This cannot be configured or disabled using !hpmenu.
  3. On version hl2 d1_trainstation_04 ambient music is played, on version hl2u d1_trainstation_04 there is no music.
  4. The gravity gun, when interacting with any zombies/headcrabs, does not display the effect of such lightning, which is inherent in the gun, if you press LMB in front of the props.
  5. map hl2ud1_town_02 and d1_town_03 cause the player to spawn outside the map.
  6. If you load a save using SynSaves on the d1_town_02 map, then there will be no barrier separating the unloaded part of the location.
  7. Is it possible to make a vote time parameter for the !votereload command? Waiting a minute every time to save on the map in case of possible errors interferes.
  8. d1_town_02 - a) the button in the elevator does not work, so you have to jump off the roof. b) In total, 2 zombies come running into the room through the glass, although in my opinion there are a lot of zombies at this moment, but perhaps they can be killed before calling the elevator. c) I’m not sure, but in my opinion the lifting of the cradle is faster in the original; in Synergy we had to wait quite a long time for the elevator to rise. d) The cradle does not work, it is impossible to get to Grigori with it. e) Also, interacting with the lever on the roof and the lever at the generator leads to the fact that the hands with the weapon disappear until you switch to another. This seems to be due to the fact that if you hold E, the character will hide the weapon.
  9. d1_town_02a - Grigori sometimes gets stuck on the path, I'm not sure if this is a bug.
  10. a) The player model in the buggy is slightly higher than necessary. b) And also for some reason the other player's sight is displayed. c) By the way, I thought it would be nice to add a buggy like this, but where the player in the second seat controls the Tau gun, while the first one is solely occupied with driving.
  11. When spawning in a buggy, another player may be invisible until he leaves the vehicle.
  12. d2_coast_03 - a) If 2 players use binoculars at the same time, then the binocular screen of one of them will not turn off even after death, it will only help to re-enter the server. Perhaps, by the way, this bug occurs if you use binoculars too much. b) The Combine Gunship has too much health and had to hit it with 20 missiles before it could be brought down. For 2 players it was extremely difficult and does not correspond to the original, although vintage mode is enabled.
  13. d2_coast_04 - the barrier at the end of the level is insurmountable.
  14. d2_coast_05 - a) the beginning has an invisible wall closer than the visible barrier, which is why you can’t get into the buggy that appears and you have to spawn another one. b) Is it possible to introduce a check to see if the player is in a buggy? Since at the Alliance post this happens due to deaths, and in general the map is always dotted with vehicles, although it is extremely difficult for two players to lose it. Is it possible to make something like a parameter that disables vehicles spawned everywhere except the one that is given/costs at the beginning? If it gets lost, you can boot from a save or spawn a new one via !votecar. c) For some reason there is no graffiti in this place, perhaps I have a bug. d) At this point on the road, the player begins to shake up/down, and if you specify kill, the camera will end up somewhere outside the level, which is why you will have to restart. e) At the end of the level there is again an impassable barrier, which can only be overcome through noclip.
  15. d2_coast_07 - at the beginning of the level, strange double steps are heard in the tunnel while running.
chibinekit commented 9 months ago

I will continue the list in a new comment.

Half-Life 2:

  1. !sm_goto also has a delay between uses, can it be disabled? Strangely, sometimes the delay is described by the message You cannot do that for another No. seconds..., but sometimes this message was not displayed.
  2. When leaving the buggy, a bug may occur when the camera remains attached to the seat of the car, when it is already possible to shoot, and a crossbow, for example, will shoot at the speed of a tau gun. The bug is fixed if you enter kill.
  3. The car's flashlight is not visible to my partner, whether he is in the driver's or passenger's seat, although I can see the flashlight's light from anywhere.
  4. Now, to get the last save, I go to the path Synergy\synergy\addons\sourcemod\data\SynSaves and look at the last map that has a save. Next, I enter map hl2u <map> and load the save using !votereload. You gave an alternative as loading the map via map hl2u <map> and then writing loadgame <save> to load the save. Am I doing everything correctly or is it possible to somehow automatically find the last map with saving, for example, without looking at TAB or the console to find out the name of the map? Entering load autosave results in the error Can't load in multiplayer games., although on the Twitch thread, at least on the initial maps, it seemed to work well. Is it possible to introduce a similar option via SourceMod?
  5. It would be possible to make a parameter that would always show stunstick, pipe and MP5K? I skipped MP5K altogether, although the pipe was only on the d1_canals_10 map. With mp_vintage_mode 1, sometimes stun baton is still issued.
  6. So, the default skill value is 2, but I felt like I came up with the following description: skill 1 - for two average shooter players, spawn is the same as in the original. skill 2 - for 3 or more players, the number of enemies has increased by 2-3 times. skill 3 - for 5 or more players, the enemies are overly strong and spawn in colossal numbers. I didn’t realize this right away, so I sometimes pointed out possible errors of excessive enemy spawning.
  7. I don’t fully understand, but it turns out that if the host receives a new weapon, say, a crowbar in Episode One, then the partner will also receive it? Because when my partner picked up the weapon first, I was automatically given a new one, but the other way around didn’t work, I had to throw the weapon to my partner with the N key and then I was automatically given the same one.
  8. d2_coast_07 - a) spawn via map hl2u d2_coast_07 is broken. b) the barrier does not prevent you from passing to the next level, passing d2_coast_08, as if there were no invisible wall there. c) the transition point to d2_coast_08 does not have textures and a door. Here is an example of how it should be. _Now the following points after returning to the location with d2_coast_08:_ d) returning to the location may not give the partner equipment. e) AR2 still can't get its texture back. f) now the transition to d2_coast_08 will be displayed correctly. g) respawn after death is broken. h) due to the fact that the scripts were reset, the same enemies that we dealt with the first time began to appear in the same places. Even a zombie appeared, although the boxes and furniture in general were missing.
  9. d2_coast_08 - a) the checkpoint is in the floor, which is why you cannot go further. b) I’m not sure exactly why, but for some reason, having broken a box with supplies, its pieces flew right through the bridge, although this should not be the case. c) the gunship does not pursue players when flying in a confined space, which is why it does not need to be shot down. Although then he will appear in d2_coast_07, where the final battle with him will take place. d) if you save in front of the button that turns off the barrier, then going back, the enemies that appeared at the beginning when you just killed them will appear, that is, saving does not take these scripts into account and, as it were, restarts them. e) after meeting with a gunship and dying at the entrance back to d2_coast_07, when respawning on the balcony, the screen may turn black. f) also from now on, sometimes with any actions, AR2 will lose its texture, although the world model will remain correct.
  10. d2_coast_09 - for some reason the corpses of the rebels did not spawn. Here is an example of how it should be.
  11. Sometimes my partner spawns without a weapon and he has to write kill for it to appear.
  12. a) the partner’s flashlight shines from his hand, is it possible to somehow attach it to the forehead or chest so that the models of other players display the light in the same way as players see it in first person? When the weapon that the model is holding forward is displayed correctly, the crowbar and other melee weapons, as well as the bugbait and the hidden weapon mode, look strange. b) the partner’s grenade is not displayed in his hands, it is displayed in his model in a strange way.
  13. d2_coast_10 - a) the buggy barn can close if 1 player leaves it and the other has to teleport. b) rebels also sometimes get into A-pose. c) NPCs do not play their lines.
  14. d2_coast_11 - a) on hl2u if you walk on the sand, the antlions will not rise, although the earthquake effect is present, perhaps this is a SynSaves bug, since after running the map again, but through map hl2u d1_coast_11 everything worked as it should. b) perhaps I have a bug with the fact that for some reason this grenade spawned instead of a box, maybe this resulted from point a. c) I'm not sure if this is a bug, but with a large number of antlions, they came almost close to the restrictor and thereby attacked us.
  15. d2_coast_12 - a) map hl2 and hl2u have broken spawn. b) a barrier is visible on the shore in the distance. c) if you save when you activate the bugbait, it breaks, so that the lions could follow me, but not my partner. Although if your partner throws a bugbait somewhere, the antlions will follow there. Therefore, it is important to save without interacting with the antlions in any way. I'm not sure, but you mentioned weapon_betagun.txt, is this related? d) there is no barrier separating the beginning of the map, so if you go back, you can see the abyss beyond the border of the map. e) when loading a map, the crowbar and gravity gun become invisible, this state persists on other maps until something happens that fixes this bug.
  16. d2_prison_01 - perhaps a bug with the gravity gun and crowbar not being displayed also affected armor chargers.
  17. d2_prison_02 and d2_prison_03 - sometimes the sound of the turret loops and sounds constantly from it until you change the level.
  18. a) The mines immediately rise up, rather than remaining anchored in the ground until the spikes are pulled out of it, so the spikes remain compressed even in the air and if you do this to the mine, it will teleport back to its original location. Therefore, we must wait until the spikes open in the air. At the same time, from the third person everything looks normal, both for my partner and for me, there is a bug only with the display of this in the first person. The same thing happens with Alliance screens and remote controls. b) A similar error occurs with turrets, they remain overturned until the moment you release them, then they immediately stand up on their tripods.
  19. You can fall under the mattress just like in ragdoll on d1_canals_12.
  20. d2_prison_07 - a) if you stand on the spawn while an ally is spawning, the game will teleport into the barrier and teleport to an ally who has moved away from the spawn will help. b) when S.L.A.M spawns, 0 pieces are issued, the bomb is displayed in the weapon selection, but if you pick it up, it will disappear, perhaps this is a bug with SynSaves. c) Alyx's arrival may take too long, perhaps this is due to the number of player deaths.
  21. d2_prison_08 - the right side of the door is missing.
  22. d3_c17_04 - the squad will spawn behind the barrier.
  23. d3_c17_05 - the tail at the very beginning works like a ladder.
  24. d3_c17_06a - a) the squad will spawn behind the barrier. b) despite mp_vintage_mode 1, there were several times more enemies than needed, most likely this is due to skill 2.
  25. Is it possible to add the ability to break boxes or attack headcrabs with a gravity gun while standing behind a partner? If you throw something away with a gravity gun, the third-person effect plays strangely, and the charged version also has an orange effect.
  26. d3_c17_06b - a) the first time we started running across this bridge, we fell down through it, this did not happen the second time. b) the NPC may not be able to reproduce the replica. c) the squad appears behind the barrier.
  27. d3_c17_07 - a) Alyx froze after the shot in the cut-scene and did not go anywhere, frozen in A-pose. b) again the server gives phantom 0 S.L.A.M, if you pick up a bomb, it will disappear. c) if you save at the moment when Alyx opens the door, then neither the rebels nor Alyx will go further after loading. d) the squad does not follow again. e) the physical model of the core plates that Alyx lowers is larger, so when hiding behind it, you need to move further away so that bullets do not hit it. f) there are too many enemies at mp_vintage_mode 1 (it's also possible that this is due to skill 2).
  28. d3_c17_09 - Barney repeats the line Here every few seconds until you get closer to him.
  29. d3_c17_10a - a) a unit from the previous level cannot follow, although on d3_c17_11 and d3_c17_11 a squad can follow between levels. b) on the left 2 rebels simply did not spawn.
  30. d3_c17_10b - a) a bug with displaying armor chargers, which also appeared on d3_c17_11. b) if you save at this point and load, the mines may no longer recognize the player as an ally. c) there are also too many opponents here, or again mp_vintage_mode 1 is not fully enabled, or skill 2 is at fault. d) the unit gets stuck behind a barrier.
  31. d3_c17_12b - at the end the barrier does not allow you to complete the level.
  32. d3_citadel_01 - is it possible to make it so that when one player sits in a combine cell, it teleports others to the same cell? This is necessary because the other player may not have time to sit in the next cell or will miss script moments. After all, on d3_citadel_02 the players are already in one cell.
  33. d3_citadel_02 - the camera of both players is controlled by one, and when he looks closer at the Z button, this is not displayed for the second player, for some reason, every time control of the camera passed to me, perhaps as the host.
  34. d3_citadel_03 - a) when you launch the map through map hl2u, all the weapons and armor that remain lying around are given out, although only a charged gravity gun should be given out after the cut-scene. b) in general, during this animation, only one player’s weapon is taken away, the other can use all the weapons. c) the model in the prisoner pod does not fit into it a little. d) during the first transition to the level, for some reason the manipulators did not take out all the weapons and therefore the script for charging the gravity gun was played only after a few minutes, while we could not move much. When I went to the second level, everything was fine. e) upon death, the player is revived with all weapons, but without HEV, so he has no armor or flashlight. f) strange spawn point.
  35. d3_citadel_04 - a) when going up the elevator, players are teleported into it and for some reason we died during the first teleportation. b) Strider's limbs get strangely stuck when he dies. d3_breen_01 - a) Mossman and Breen's eyes almost always look down in the cutscene. b) I don’t fully understand how to see the full credits, should I add // before the lines below? Indeed, it is enough to add // before the bottom line is enough.

    Episode One:

  36. Alyx's pistol was not displayed throughout Episode One; this bug is also present in Episode Two. Moreover, after restarting a separate map, the weapon began to be displayed, apparently the bug is related to SynSaves.
  37. ep1_citadel_00 - the Episode One logo looks like HALF-LIFE', although the Half-Life 2 and Episode Two logos look correct.
  38. There are no flares anywhere (№1, №2) in Episode One, and as far as I understand, there are none in Episode Two either.
  39. ep1_citadel_02b - the final door may close in front of other players if one of them enters the end of the location.
  40. ep1_citadel_03 - a) if I’m not mistaken, the lift up after the riddle with 3 energy balls was quite laggy, but I can’t remember what exactly I paid attention to. b) I’m not exactly sure if this is a bug in the rendering of the armor charger. c) energy balls in this place, instead of disappearing after release, are constantly bounced off the opposite wall, and can also go astray altogether, because of this it is impossible to move forward without a noclip, the same thing in this place. d) death in that broken challenge immediately teleports to the moment after completing it.
  41. ep1_c17_00 - a) autosave does not work properly, if you save at this moment, you will boot at the moment with the valve. b) using saves at this level results in a crash when approaching or opening a door. c) the barrier is poorly integrated into the environment.
  42. ep1_c17_01 - a) here also skill 2 leads to double spawning of enemies, I'm still not sure if this is a bug. Same thing with ep1_c17_02a, here is the standard number of enemies. b) Alyx teleports from the house directly to the construction site. c) ragdoll bug, this is what it should look like.
  43. ep1_c17_02a - a) at the end of the last level this door was normal. b) if you are at least a couple of steps behind your partner, a rocket crashing into a building will kill you. c) again S.L.A.M was in the available weapons, but in quantity 0 pieces.
  44. ep1_c17_06 - the strider stops attacking either after the players die, or after loading a save, and an invisible floor also appears.

    Episode Two:

  45. ep2_outland_01 - the client crashed, but the server remained operational, due to possibly excessive spawning of antlions (_more than here, about 3 times_), although skill 1 was already specified, after re-entering the server we managed to move on.
  46. ep2_outland_02 - after returning with the antlion extract, the boxes and mines are again in their places, although they were used to repel their attack.
  47. ep2_outland_03 - grenades spawned on the floor.
  48. It seems that in HL2U and Episode One it was impossible to disable the laser sight on an RPG, which is why it was only possible to determine whether a missile was following the sight by firing it.
  49. Is it possible to introduce the ability to move 2 players also to the driver's seat, but as an observer, as shown in combine cells?
  50. ep2_outland_06a - you can’t create the same car for yourself (You can’t create vehicles at this time.) and you have to use a buggy, the same thing on the previous map, where the segment on the car, fortunately, is not so large, so it’s quite possible to run there on foot .
  51. ep2_outland_07 - a) even after the Advisor leaves, the screen here lights up. b) after dying in a car, whether with Alyx or without her, you can no longer get into the car, so you have to restart the save.
  52. ep2_outland_08 - a) after loading the save, the helicopter’s scripts break, which is why it does not release mines and flies somewhere in the distance. Due to SynSaves, the door separating the next level also does not appear. Running the map via map fixes this, except for the void at the end. b) a fragment of a non-working mine always gets stuck strangely. c) there is also no scripted scene with fast zombie.
  53. ep2_outland_09 - a) the transition to the previous level does not have a door. b) after the first entry into this map, for some reason my partner started making the sound of a burning zombie until we restarted the map. c) transport never gets the improvement of radar. d) it is impossible to hit the bottles even closely.
  54. ep2_outland_10 - a) still spawns, for some reason buggy, not jalopy. b) an extra buggy will spawn; otherwise, it was impossible to enter the previous one. c) again phantom S.L.A.M.
  55. ep2_outland_11 - the trigger for opening the hatch is strangely located, which is why you have to run around Magnusson until he allows you to pass below.
  56. ep2_outland_11a - the laser sight comes from the partner's mount.
  57. ep2_outland_11b - Mossman in A-pose. An invisible wall that prevents the second player from passing after testing Magnusson's devices. After installing the Magnusson device on the strider, it disappears, and a new one does not appear in the teleporter. The trigger at the end of the level is also inactive. All this happens if you use SynSaves and then go to this level. If you load it through the map command, the invisible door will become visible, and the trigger will work at the end, just like Magnusson’s devices.
  58. ep2_outland_12 - a) for some reason two players cannot sit in jalopy, as if the second place is always reserved for Alyx. Because of this, it is impossible to use jalopy alone. b) the player who lags behind the first one on the way out will lose his car, since only the first player will be teleported, and the second car will be hit by the gate, which is why he will have to take another one that spawns nearby. c) my partner did not display the radar at the bottom of the screen. d) when striders are destroyed by Magnusson’s device, they simply disappear; only the last striders had remains after death. e) apparently what’s left of my transport, which was knocked down by the gate, Magnusson’s device shouldn’t be lying around there.
  59. ep2_outland_12a - only I have a bug with textures, my partner didn’t see this, and there was no light at the end. Perhaps SynSaves somehow breaks the .edt fixes or the map scripts themselves; directly accessing the map via map fixed these bugs for me, although I never found G-Man.