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[REQUESTS] Call of the Wild Content & Eldritch Arcana Updated Porting #3

Closed Endarire closed 6 months ago

Endarire commented 8 months ago

Greetings, @Balkoth-dev!

Since you reproduced a buncha functionality from Holic's Kingmaker Call of the Wild mod, may we get these as well from CotW or/and Eldritch Arcana Updated? Thankee!

-Archetypes: Iroran Paladin (Paladin), Master Summoner (Summoner), and Razmiran Priest (Sor - not from CotW/EA, but one of my favorite Pathfinder archetypes!)

-Class Features: Orc Bloodline (Sor), Share Spell for Animal Companions (various)

-Feats: Favored Prestige Class/Prestigious Spellcaster, Steadfast Personality

-Spells: Animate Dead spells (Animate Dead, Create Undead, Create Greater Undead), Burst of Force, Consecrate, Contingency, Control Construct, Control Undead, Desecrate, Fire Shield, "Fly" Spells (Air Walk, Fly, Mass Fly, Overland Flight), Infernal Healing spells, Invisibility Purge, Knock, Limited Wish, Miracle, Plant Shape spells, Sanctuary, Shades, Silence, Time Stop, and Wish