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Ball Aerospace COSMOS
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Calendar, commands scheduling #1722

Open AstreeDeshayes opened 2 years ago

AstreeDeshayes commented 2 years ago


I am trying to schedule commands with the calendar. For that I did in the calendar : new timeline activity > input a timeline and set the time > chose command as activity type > put the command name/description (for example INST2 CLEAR). However each time I try to schedule one, the operation fails when it has to happen and I have an error message saying my command does not exist (even with the demo commands). I also wish to use a script to schedule many commands, what should I use as format ? Maybe the same as the even list (json) used in the calendar ?

Thanks, Astrée

jmthomas commented 2 years ago

The Calendar tool is pretty new and doesn't have a full suite of tests yet. I'll mark this as a bug pending reproduction but probably won't get to this for a bit. The scripts to be used with Calendar are just standard COSMOS Ruby scripts.

AstreeDeshayes commented 2 years ago

Ok thanks, waiting for it to be resolved the calendar script function works.

xavier-rangel commented 2 years ago

Not sure if this has already been confirmed, but I am also seeing the same bug, on both calendar and autonomic tools, calling scripts work but not commands, is the format template 'TARGET PKT with ARGS' not the correct format?

jmthomas commented 2 years ago

Re-created as

jmthomas commented 2 years ago

Closed and released in OpenC3 v5.0.6