BallAerospace / COSMOS

Ball Aerospace COSMOS
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Unable to Install on Ubuntu 23.10 #1814

Open Controller92 opened 4 months ago

Controller92 commented 4 months ago

Has anyone been able to install COSMOS successfully? I have tried every way I can find documentation for and nothing seems to work. I'm trying to get it deployed on an Ubuntu VM for testing before a full deployment on a dedicated ground station system.

ryanmelt commented 4 months ago

It won't work on modern Linux because qt4 won't compile. Switch to openc3 cosmos.

Controller92 commented 4 months ago

I attempted to run the scripts for OpenC3 COSMOS and it said it couldn't authenticate my password and support for that feature was removed in 2021.

Controller92 commented 4 months ago

I also tried installing on Ubuntu 14 and I got all the way to the point of install and run COSMOS Demo and it said no such file or directory.