Balrog994 / cucumber-test-runner

An Extension for Visual Studio Code to Run and Debug CucumberJS Tests
MIT License
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Allow the user to specify a custom command to execute tests #9

Open argentlynx opened 1 year ago

argentlynx commented 1 year ago

In the future is there any plan to allow a custom command when executing tests? I have some tests that need to be run with cucumberjs and others require nightwatchjs as the command (which then calls cucumber).

Wasn't sure how to raise this as a feature request, sorry if it's the wrong place feel free to just delete this after you read it.

Balrog994 commented 1 year ago

Hi @argentlynx

I have no experience using nightwatchjs, so I actually don't know if your request could be easly implemented. There are only 2 mandatory features required to run the tests:

If this is achievable with nightwatchjs than I guess we can implement something like that. I was privately testing something like you requested to enable code coverage while running cucumberjs tests using a third party executable.

Can you please give some feedback about the requirements?

Thanks 👍

argentlynx commented 1 year ago

Thanks @Balrog994

I downloaded the sourcecode for cucumber-test-runner to try to implement it. I might have something that works but still experimenting with it.

Nightwatch is actually kind of a pain to do this with. It does not accept cucumber *.feature files as parameters, only tags. So I'm messing around with converting the filename and test line number into a tag to pass as a parameter to nightwatch (and then I'll just tag the scenarios in cucumber with the filename)

Not sure if it's a good fit really, so I don't know how much time I'll dedicate to this, but here is what I did so far in case anyone gets interested in this or if you're interested in looking into this later if people want it.


  1. @line:187 itemsOptions - convert this to tags const itemsTags = => "@" + x.split("\").pop().replace(/[.: -]/g,'_'));

  2. then itemsTags as a parameter for nightwatch

var tagParameter = "--tags " + itemsTags[0];

(or you could use itemsTags.join(" AND") but I think there is a bug in nightwatch not allowing multiple tags to be passed for the moment so I'm just passing a single tag.

  1. @line:211 Modify the cucumberProcess = spawn( to...

    const cucumberProcess = spawn(
        `npx`,   // we need to run nightwatch with npx, not with node
        [[], `${workspace.uri.fsPath}/node_modules/nightwatch/bin/runner.js`, tagParameter, "", "", []],
            cwd: workspace.uri.fsPath,
            env: env,
  2. [haven't tried yet] (possibly) detect if a tag is matching the feature, if so, spawn with npx nightwach, if not, spawn normal node cucumber


Installing the nightwatchjs project with cucumberjs support

So maybe the best thing for the time being is I will just hide the nightwatch tests in the test runner. Not sure yet. Leaving my notes here in case someone else is trying it.

argentlynx commented 1 year ago

OK got a draft working but using the minified code. It's a one-liner but if you want to somehow make a feature for this in the future I donate it to the code penny jar.

after installing the nightwatch project (at url listed above)

  1. Edit your nightwatch.feature file, add tag @nightwatch_feature_8 to the scenario "Searching the Rijksmuseum" (because Scenario: Searching the Rijksmuseum appears on the .feature file line 8)

  2. goto the .vscode/extensions/balrog994.cucumber-test-runner-0.5.0/dist/main.js file

  3. remove this line

let w=(0,Va.spawn)("node",[...R,${a.uri.fsPath}/node_modules/@cucumber/cucumber/bin/cucumber.js,...n,"--format","message",...y],{cwd:a.uri.fsPath,env:c});

  1. replace it with

let w=(0,Va.exec)("npx " + ${a.uri.fsPath}/node_modules/nightwatch/bin/runner.js + (" --tags \"" + => "@" + x.split("\").pop().replace(/[.: -]/g,'_'))[0] + "\""),{shell:true,cwd:a.uri.fsPath});

  1. Save

  2. Re-open VS Code

  3. Open cucumber-test-runner

  4. Click "Run" icon next to the nightwatch.feature - Google Search test

Done, now it works (but the code is rough)

C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe,/d,/s,/c,"npx c:\Users{youruseridinwindows}{pathtoyournightwatchfolder}\NightwatchTestFolder/node_modules/nightwatch/bin/runner.js --tags "@nightwatch_feature_8"" stdout: Using: chrome (114.0.5735.199) on WINDOWS. stdout: ...√ Testing if the page title equals 'Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, home of the Dutch masters' (56ms) stdout: .√ Element <#rijksmuseum-app> was visible after 33 milliseconds. stdout: .√ Testing if element <.search-results> contains text 'Operation Night Watch' (1263ms) stdout: .. stdout: 1 scenario (1 passed) stdout: 5 steps (5 passed) stdout: 0m08.358s (executing steps: 0m08.341s) stdout:  Wrote HTML report file to: c:\Users{whateveryourpathistothisfolder}\NightwatchTestFolder\tests_output\nightwatch-html-report\index.html stdout: 

If this becomes a feature I imagine it would have to have a setting or something to enable it in the settings page, and be able to detect whether or not the filename matches a tag to decide whether to run it using "npx nightwatch" vs. "node cucumber" or something like that, dunno but there it is. : D