Bam4d / python-microRTS

A python client library for microRTS.
Apache License 2.0
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Instructions on starting microRTS #2

Open douglasrizzo opened 4 years ago

douglasrizzo commented 4 years ago

After starting my own agent, which inherits from pyrts.server.Server, how should I start microRTS?

I changed launch_mode=SERVER and AI1=ai.socket.SocketAI in and started rts.units.MicroRTS, but I get a Address already in use from MicroRTS.

douglasrizzo commented 4 years ago

I have figured it out. I should start MicroRTS in client mode, not server mode.

douglasrizzo commented 4 years ago

OK, it seems like I need some help after all. I tried running the examples and then starting MicroRTS in Client mode. This is the output of running one of the python-microRTS examples (I applied the pull request which fixes a bug after gameover):

$ python Code/python-microRTS/examples/
server is running
DEBUG:RTSServer:Socket created
DEBUG:RTSServer:Socket bind complete
DEBUG:RTSServer:Socket now listening
DEBUG:RTSServer:<socket.socket fd=5, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 9898), raddr=('', 45626)>
DEBUG:RTSServer:('', 45626)
DEBUG:RTSServer:Connected with
DEBUG:RTSServer:Message: budget 100 0

DEBUG:RTSServer:budget 100 0
DEBUG:RTSServer:Message: utt
{"moveConflictResolutionStrategy":1,"unitTypes":[{"ID":0, "name":"Resource", "cost":1, "hp":1, "minDamage":1, "maxDamage":1, "attackRange":1, "produceTime":10, "moveTime":10, "attackTime":10, "harvestTime":10, "returnTime":10, "harvestAmount":1, "sightRadius":0, "isResource":true, "isStockpile":false, "canHarvest":false, "canMove":false, "canAttack":false, "produces":[], "producedBy":[]}, {"ID":1, "name":"Base", "cost":10, "hp":10, "minDamage":1, "maxDamage":1, "attackRange":1, "produceTime":200, "moveTime":10, "attackTime":10, "harvestTime":10, "returnTime":10, "harvestAmount":1, "sightRadius":5, "isResource":false, "isStockpile":true, "canHarvest":false, "canMove":false, "canAttack":false, "produces":["Worker"], "producedBy":["Worker"]}, {"ID":2, "name":"Barracks", "cost":5, "hp":4, "minDamage":1, "maxDamage":1, "attackRange":1, "produceTime":100, "moveTime":10, "attackTime":10, "harvestTime":10, "returnTime":10, "harvestAmount":1, "sightRadius":3, "isResource":false, "isStockpile":false, "canHarvest":false, "canMove":false, "canAttack":false, "produces":["Light", "Heavy", "Ranged"], "producedBy":["Worker"]}, {"ID":3, "name":"Worker", "cost":1, "hp":1, "minDamage":1, "maxDamage":1, "attackRange":1, "produceTime":50, "moveTime":10, "attackTime":5, "harvestTime":20, "returnTime":10, "harvestAmount":1, "sightRadius":3, "isResource":false, "isStockpile":false, "canHarvest":true, "canMove":true, "canAttack":true, "produces":["Base", "Barracks"], "producedBy":["
Base"]}, {"ID":4, "name":"Light", "cost":2, "hp":4, "minDamage":2, "maxDamage":2, "attackRange":1, "produceTime":80, "moveTime":8, "attackTime":5, "harvestTime":10, "returnTime":10, "harvestAmount":1, "sightRadius":2, "isResource":false, "isStockpile":false, "canHarvest":false, "canMove":true, "canAttack":true, "produces":[], "producedBy":["Barracks"]}, {"ID":5, "name":"Heavy", "cost":3, "hp":8, "minDamage":4, "maxDamage":4, "attackRange":1, "produceTime":120, "moveTime":10, "attackTime":5, "harvestTime":10, "returnTime":10, "harvestAmount":1, "sightRadius":2, "isResource":false, "isStockpile":false, "canHarvest":false, "canMove":true, "canAttack":true, "produces":[], "producedBy":["Barracks"]}, {"ID":6, "name":"Ranged", "cost":2, "hp":1, "minDamage":1, "maxDamage":1, "attackRange":3, "produceTime":100, "moveTime":10, "attackTime":5, "harvestTime":10, "returnTime":10, "harvestAmount":1, "sightRadius":3, "isResource":false, "isStockpile":false, "canHarvest":false, "canMove":true, "canAttack":true, "produces":[], "producedBy":["Barracks"]}]}

DEBUG:RTSServer:Message: budget 100 0

DEBUG:RTSServer:budget 100 0
DEBUG:RTSServer:Game has ended

This is the output of running MicroRTS in client mode:

----------Game Settings----------
Running as Server: CLIENT
Server Address:
Server Port: 9898
Serialization Type: 2
Map Location: maps/16x16/basesWorkers16x16.xml
Max Cycles: 5000
Partially Observable: false
Rules Version: 2
Conflict Policy: 1
AI1: ai.abstraction.WorkerRush
AI2: ai.RandomBiasedAI
java.lang.NullPointerException: string is null
    at com.eclipsesource.json.Json.parse(
    at rts.PlayerAction.fromJSON(
    at ai.socket.SocketAI.getAction(
    at rts.MicroRTS.startClient(
    at rts.MicroRTS.main(

The problem is that MicroRTS receives an empty JSON (in this line, the value of the JSON variable is null, which crashes MicroRTS). It seems like python-microRTS ends the game before sending any actions.

This happens with both examples. Any tips on solving it?

douglasrizzo commented 4 years ago

The problem is that python-microRTS detects a gameover when the first JSON message received from MicroRTS starts with anything different that getAction. This happens in these lines.

But, as you can see from my previous message, when a game begins, a message is sent that begins with budget. This prompts python-microRTS to end the game. I'll try to find a fix for this tomorrow.

santiontanon commented 4 years ago

Hi Douglas, I do not maintain the python-microRTS side, but if there is anything I can do on the Java microRTS to address this issue, just let me know. If python-microRTS does not like those budget messages, maybe I can add some configuration options to the SocketAIs on the Java side to skip them on request. Just let me know.

douglasrizzo commented 4 years ago

Hello @santiontanon , I don't think there is any need to change the messages in microrts, as I was just able to find and fix the error I mention here in #3. Thank you for making yourself available.

santiontanon commented 4 years ago

ok! no problem! I hope your pull request is accepted, as it can be useful for many more people! :)