BanManagement / BanManager

A plugin for Minecraft to manage punishments and moderate more effectively
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[Feature] GUI Clickable reasons.yml (Multiple selection) #978

Open TomLewis opened 2 years ago

TomLewis commented 2 years ago

My staff always forget what to use form the reasons.yml, can I suggest we bring this into a better UI for ease of use. I propose a simple addition, where every command would get a GUI alternaitve like /tempmutegui <username> <time> or /bangui <username> <time> where the is removed and instead opens a GUI that you can select mulitiple pre made "reasons", simlpy would be gray dye to show all reasons as not selected, then once selected the icon changes to green dye, and hovering over shows you the reason as name/lore.

Could still keep the origional reasons.yml, this is mearly a QOL improvemnet using a GUI. Not sure how it would work if you wanted to also append an extra note on top of those pre-made ones. I guess in this case you wouldnt and would need to fallback to writing.

confuser commented 2 years ago

Reasons can be tab-completed.

Whilst I would like to add GUI functionality, it would likely be an addon as there's a high possibility it'll break between Minecraft versions

TomLewis commented 2 years ago

A good reason to have a GUI is being able to see the full message, and also explain to the moderation team in the lore when/where you would use this, it would expand the system to also explain to a new team member a list of reasons they would use it.

It would also allow us to set default times for some moderation tasks, because we seem to roughly follow the same timeframes!

Please do consider it, there are many pre-made GUI libraries you could use that update between versions!

Buckmaster1993 commented 1 year ago

This would be a very useful feature.