BananaCrystal / email-templates

This repository contains in-house email templates that serve as structure for our emails. Each template can be updated and modified to fit requirements.
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exchange_rates.rb #20

Open geekelo opened 1 month ago

geekelo commented 1 month ago


ActiveAdmin.register ExchangeRate do

  # config.sort_order = 'name_asc'

  menu parent: 'Currencies', label: 'Exchange Rates'

  # See permitted parameters documentation:
  # Uncomment all parameters which should be permitted for assignment
  permit_params :from, :to, :rate, :buy_rate, :sell_rate,
                :override, :override_rate, :override_buy_rate, :override_sell_rate,
                :override_label, :override_source, :override_updated_at
  # or
  # permit_params do
  #   permitted = [:from, :to, :rate]
  #   permitted << :other if params[:action] == 'create' && current_user.admin?
  #   permitted
  # end
geekelo commented 1 month ago

This code registers the ExchangeRate model with ActiveAdmin, enabling the management of exchange rates through the admin interface. Here's a breakdown of the key elements of the code:

1. Menu Configuration

2. Permitted Parameters

3. Commented Configuration

4. Additional Parameter Customization


This configuration sets up an admin interface for managing exchange rates in your system. By defining which parameters are permitted for modification, it ensures that the system is secure while still being flexible for administrators to manage the exchange rates, including the ability to override rates and specify additional details about those overrides.