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Get API key and make list of queries we'll need #1

Open arfnj opened 6 years ago

arfnj commented 6 years ago

Site you got key for in December was

ScottDavidSanders commented 6 years ago

The Tivo key expired back in December, so we'll either need to make one with another e-mail address or contact them for an extension. In the meantime, I made an account at and as soon as my forum access is approved I'll reach out to have a developer account made. Most accounts are limited to four "lineups" which I think boil down to a Time Zone/Provider pairing. Dev accounts have more leeway. The whole thing is really designed for home users using their own software, but we'll play it by ear.

ScottDavidSanders commented 6 years ago's API documentation is here:

I haven't read it yet.

ScottDavidSanders commented 6 years ago

I paid for 2 months of schedule direct's API access, it was $6. The login we use for that is:

Username: sdsanders Password: hzAT6JtvRjmCMUL

Super secure, I know.