Banconxuan / RTM3D

The official PyTorch Implementation of RTM3D and KM3D for Monocular 3D Object Detection
MIT License
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error: option --vis not recognized #35

Open fgqile opened 3 years ago

fgqile commented 3 years ago

Hi, Banconxuan and everyone. if can get your help, I will very greatful for you. That will help me very much!

  1. I want to train the kitti dataset and run the demo command below as provided by the author :

python ./src/ --vis --demo ./demo_kitti_format/data/kitti/image --calib_dir ./demo_kitti_format/data/kitti/calib/ --load_model ./demo_kitti_format/exp/KM3D/pretrained.pth --gpus 0 --arch res_18 And i got this error: error: option --vis not recognized.

2.when i delete "--vis", There will be get another error: Screenshot from 2021-04-27 11-36-18

error: option --demo not recognized

  1. The '--calib_dir','--load_model' also as mentioned above.

Any suggestion will help me alot. Thank for everyone expecialy the master who noticed this problem.

fgqile commented 3 years ago

i find this error appear when the file's name is RTM3D. When I change the file's name to any others, that's will be all right. image

now, i have got it.
