BandaiNamcoResearchInc / Bandai-Namco-Research-Motiondataset

This repository provides motion datasets collected by Bandai Namco Research Inc
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Walking velocity #8

Open CeciliaMorandi opened 2 years ago

CeciliaMorandi commented 2 years ago

Hi, Thanks for sharing these data. Is it possible to know the walking velocity? For example, the walking velocity of the subject of the dataset:

Thank you

Wasserwecken commented 1 year ago

I have the same problem, so i created a python libary to read properties like position and rotation in world and local space. You can find the calculations of features like velocity here:

The libary for read, edit and create .bvh files:

If you want to calculate the velocity, just use the libary and calculate: Hips.NewPose.PositionWorld - Hips.PreviousPose.PositionWorld