BandarHL / BHTwitter

Awesome tweak for Twitter
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[Request] Hide "For you" and "You might like" tweets #108

Closed ethan-xd closed 6 days ago

ethan-xd commented 1 year ago

image image

This is basically Topic Tweets 2.0 with the most uninteresting unfunny stuff I've ever seen and would love if you could add the ability to hide it all. Thank you!

denwi commented 1 year ago

Doesnt "Hide topics tweets" setting already achieve this?

ethan-xd commented 1 year ago

@denwi No. It only hides tweets that are served under a topic. This is a new type of suggested tweet.

ethan-xd commented 1 year ago

There's another type of tweet I just remembered seeing but I don't have a reference photo. I'm not sure if you're able to block it based on this info, but it was something like "Popular in your area". If I ever see it again I'll post it here.

Edit: I found this example on Google. image

PencilNotPen commented 1 year ago

I’d also like this if possible. More than half my feed is now these new “you might like” posts, which are just a new type of sponsored/recommended posts. The existing toggles do not suppress them. Thanks for all your good work on BHTwitter!