Bandwidth / python-bandwidth-iris

Python client library for Bandwidth's Phone Number Dashboard
MIT License
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[BUG] Replace deprecated getchildren method with list() #29

Open pkimp1 opened 3 months ago

pkimp1 commented 3 months ago


For Python 3.9 and up, the getchildren() method is removed. See

This will cause an error with message 'xml.etree.ElementTree.Element' object has no attribute 'getchildren'.

Environment Information

Stack Trace

'xml.etree.ElementTree.Element' object has no attribute 'getchildren'

Sample Code Snippet

if element.tag == search_name:
    element_children = element.getchildren()
# instead use
if element.tag == search_name:
    element_children = list(element)

Suggested Fix

Replace all occurrences of this method (getchildren()) with list() as stated in the documentation linked above.

ajrice6713 commented 3 months ago

Hey @pkimp1 - this is on our backlog to fix, I just cant give you a timeline right now.

As you're aware, to install this SDK you must pull directly from github, which means we are unable to introduce any breaking changes in the SDK - and fixing this issue would break anyone using this SDK with python <= 3.8

That most likely means we will be deprecating this repo and migrating the source to a new repo, and releasing to PyPi from there so we can properly version this package

More to come here, and I hope to get this work pulled in within the next week or so - will keep this issue open to track and hopefully have some more info for ya soon!

pkimp1 commented 3 months ago

@ajrice6713 Thanks for the update! We'll keep an eye out for the new package.

ajrice6713 commented 1 month ago

Hi @pkimp1

The new package is available, we moved to a new repository called python-numbers-sdk and deployed to pip using pip install bandwidth-numbers-sdk

There was a breaking change in that we changed the name of the package, so instead of import iris_sdk you will need to use import bandwidth_numbers