BangguWu / ECANet

Code for ECA-Net: Efficient Channel Attention for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
MIT License
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Channel and spatial attention mechanism #34

Open slighting666 opened 3 years ago

slighting666 commented 3 years ago

Very good idea!in your conclusion. such as further investigate incorporation of ECA with spatial attention module.I think the spatial attention mechanism is formed by the sliding of the convolution kernel. Do you have any thoughts on the spatial attention mechanism now? thanks!

BangguWu commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your attention. There has been a lot of work using attention mechanisms in both channel and spatial dimensions, such as CBAM. How to effectively use spatial information to generate attention map is a question worth thinking about, such as using network architecture search. At present, we are conducting related theoretical research and experimental verification, which will take some time. If there is progress, we will share with you as soon as possible.