Bannerlord-Coop-Team / BannerlordCoop

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Sync: SiegeStrategy Lifetime #1011

Open garrettluskey opened 1 month ago

garrettluskey commented 1 month ago


  1. Sync the values in the Synced list below.
  2. Create an end to end (E2E) tests for this lifetime sync (1 from the server side and 1 from the client side. Client test should not create object)
  3. Create a command to create and delete (if applicable) the synced object see similar command

Also see additional information at the bottom for more information and templates

Intended Design

For the patch itself please refer to

Lifetime Sync Dataflow LifetimeSyncDataflow


Create a branch based from development

Related Issues




Additional information

Using the GameInterface Service Tempale create commands to test the synced values.

Definition of Done