Banz99 / Final-Fantasy-Type-0-Hd-Unlocker

Asi plugin that inject custom resolutions and framerate into the game.
43 stars 3 forks source link

High framerate issues #1

Open Banz99 opened 2 years ago

Banz99 commented 2 years ago

Post every problem you have encountered that isn't already detailed in here with a comment below this post.

Things I'm already aware of: -Full motion videos starting speeded up and then capping to 30 fps, causing an audio delay (not necessarily caused by this patch, but that would be nice to fix) -The yellow blinking marker on the minimap (partially fixed, for unknown reasons). -Characters not walking as they should on some cutscenes -Characters that have a 2d texture for the mouth are moving it too fast (very noticeable >60fps). (fixed in nightly build at #2 ) -Camera panning is sped up in a lot of cutscenes. -The spinning save relic has a different behaviour than on psp (still broken in both cases), but having looked into it a bit more, it may seem that the spinning animation itself resets to 0 instead of moving to 360 for the last frame, fucking everything up if run < 100% speed (it is technically broken even there, it's just that you cannot perceive the snapping back to 0, I'm slowing it down to compensate for the increased framerate).

If you find other issues, please provide a save file so I can reproduce it on my end.

ancient-animal commented 2 years ago

I'm so thankful to you, and all of the other contributors, for this tool! I haven't ever played this game until today, so I don't know how the 30 FPS experience is, but I will share two mild problems that I noticed while using the 60 FPS frame-rate. (I've played until I reached the first save-crystal in the academy, during the beginning of Chapter 2.)

  1. While viewing the menu that appears after pressing the "Start" button on my controller, the "Total Play Time" counter is increased too quickly. (The seconds can be seen.)
  2. A child in the courtyard of the academy runs around in a circle with a speed that is far too fast for a human. I have to tap the "A" button many times until one press is finally registered (to trigger his dialogue box).
Banz99 commented 2 years ago

I'm so thankful to you, and all of the other contributors, for this tool! I haven't ever played this game until today, so I don't know how the 30 FPS experience is, but I will share two mild problems that I noticed while using the 60 FPS frame-rate. (I've played until I reached the first save-crystal in the academy, during the beginning of Chapter 2.)

  1. While viewing the menu that appears after pressing the "Start" button on my controller, the "Total Play Time" counter is increased too quickly. (The seconds can be seen.)
  2. A child in the courtyard of the academy runs around in a circle with a speed that is far too fast for a human. I have to tap the "A" button many times until one press is finally registered (to trigger his dialogue box).

Good news. Both of them should be fixed in the nightly build! Check it out here: Edit: After some additional testing, seems like the movement fix broke some cutscenes... I'll have to look into it a bit more. Edit 2: Hopefully it's fixed now.

Crytap commented 2 years ago

Great tool, I have noticed the following issues with the latest version:

Banz99 commented 2 years ago

Great tool, I have noticed the following issues with the latest version:

  • RTS missions timer goes down extremely fast after they are accepted so they fail immediately (Only in third version, second version does not have the problem)
  • Other timers in the game run down twice? as fast at 60FPS

Oh, damn, a regression. Can you provide me a save file just before an rts mission so i can test it properly? Also which other timers are speeded up? The mission's one and Akademia should be fixed (Akademia only in the third version).

Crytap commented 2 years ago

My bad sorry! I did not mean the RTS missions, but general missions during an operation that can be accepted. Heres a recording of the timer:

The timer of the Chapter 4 Train Yard mission runs down faster that it should. Here is a screenshot of the operation with the timer (I cannot record this timer because i have already completed the mission): timer

Banz99 commented 2 years ago

My bad sorry! I did not mean the RTS missions, but general missions during an operation that can be accepted. Heres a recording of the timer:

The timer of the Chapter 4 Train Yard mission runs down faster that it should. Here is a screenshot of the operation with the timer (I cannot record this timer because i have already completed the mission): timer

I took a brief look at it, accepted the request in the first mission that's available and it seems to work fine for me? (Even >60 fps). Looking at your video and using youtube to advance frame by frame, it seems that the counter is decreasing each frame instead of each second... which is kinda weird. Can you try this test build and the save file provided here to check if this is happening only somewhere and not everywhere? (Save file must be placed inside C:\Users\"YOURUSERNAME"\AppData\Local\SquareEnix\FinalFantasyType-0HD\save inside a numbered folder (create a new one if you don't want to overwrite yours)). [FILE-REMOVED]

Crytap commented 2 years ago

My bad sorry! I did not mean the RTS missions, but general missions during an operation that can be accepted. Heres a recording of the timer: The timer of the Chapter 4 Train Yard mission runs down faster that it should. Here is a screenshot of the operation with the timer (I cannot record this timer because i have already completed the mission): timer

I took a brief look at it, accepted the request in the first mission that's available and it seems to work fine for me? (Even >60 fps). Looking at your video and using youtube to advance frame by frame, it seems that the counter is decreasing each frame instead of each second... which is kinda weird. Can you try this test build and the save file provided here to check if this is happening only somewhere and not everywhere? (Save file must be placed inside C:\Users"YOURUSERNAME"\AppData\Local\SquareEnix\FinalFantasyType-0HD\save inside a numbered folder (create a new one if you don't want to overwrite yours)). [FILE-REMOVED]

Thanks for your fast reply! Ive tested your new FFT0HD Unlocker.asi file and now the timer works like intended. Thank you very much.

Banz99 commented 2 years ago

My bad sorry! I did not mean the RTS missions, but general missions during an operation that can be accepted. Heres a recording of the timer: The timer of the Chapter 4 Train Yard mission runs down faster that it should. Here is a screenshot of the operation with the timer (I cannot record this timer because i have already completed the mission): timer

I took a brief look at it, accepted the request in the first mission that's available and it seems to work fine for me? (Even >60 fps). Looking at your video and using youtube to advance frame by frame, it seems that the counter is decreasing each frame instead of each second... which is kinda weird. Can you try this test build and the save file provided here to check if this is happening only somewhere and not everywhere? (Save file must be placed inside C:\Users"YOURUSERNAME"\AppData\Local\SquareEnix\FinalFantasyType-0HD\save inside a numbered folder (create a new one if you don't want to overwrite yours)). [FILE-REMOVED]

Thanks for your fast reply! Ive tested your new FFT0HD Unlocker.asi file and now the timer works like intended. Thank you very much.

Since the test build seemingly fixed it, please download the latest nightly build from issue number 2, as I don't like having non committed builds around (and it has also a few other fixes).

Xbob42 commented 1 year ago

Hi, seemed like opening a new "issue" for what is essentially a question wouldn't be ideal, so I decided to ask in here.

How playable is the game at 60 (or 120) FPS? How many of the issues linked in that original thread (which appears to be from 2015?) are still valid?

I've been holding off on even buying this game until a fix such as this was out, so now I'm very interested, but the highly experimental warnings and such have given me pause, at least for now. I'd love to be able to just play through the entirety of the game for my first time without anything too egregious.

Sorry if this is the wrong place or way to ask this.

Banz99 commented 1 year ago

Hi, seemed like opening a new "issue" for what is essentially a question wouldn't be ideal, so I decided to ask in here.

How playable is the game at 60 (or 120) FPS? How many of the issues linked in that original thread (which appears to be from 2015?) are still valid?

I've been holding off on even buying this game until a fix such as this was out, so now I'm very interested, but the highly experimental warnings and such have given me pause, at least for now. I'd love to be able to just play through the entirety of the game for my first time without anything too egregious.

Sorry if this is the wrong place or way to ask this.

Don't worry, it's a legit concern and I'll try to answer in the best way I can. Most if not all of the issues listed on that thread have been fixed along the way. If you're curious you can scroll through each comment (marked with //) on the patch file to see specifially what got adjusted. This isn't to say that it's perfect, there are still some character moves that runs at incorrect speeds, but unless you go straight to 120fps that shouldn't become a major problem. As such, I guess that at the moment 60 fps should provide an enjoyable experience from start to finish (unless some game breaking bug shows up that I'm not aware of) with at worst small annoyances.

Xbob42 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the reply! I have since picked up the game and am installing the mod. While I would definitely like to play at 120, 60 is perfectly acceptable. I'm glad the game's finally getting some love!

ShiinaRinne commented 1 year ago

Hello! Thank you so much for the mod! But I encountered some problems in using, T(IFDS8P4I}K8{NJ@5KPHHG S27KB $87 W$6YZ70I$PMO After I use this mod, the actual number of frames in the game is only 40± at most (without high-quality presets, anti-aliasing, shadows, etc.), and the GPU usage is very high (my GPU is a laptop 3060) I adjust the FpsCap in the mod, but it will not change the result. Is this a bug, or is there something wrong with my settings?

Banz99 commented 1 year ago

Hello! Thank you so much for the mod! But I encountered some problems in using, T(IFDS8P4I}K8{NJ@5KPHHG S27KB $87 W$6YZ70I$PMO After I use this mod, the actual number of frames in the game is only 40± at most (without high-quality presets, anti-aliasing, shadows, etc.), and the GPU usage is very high (my GPU is a laptop 3060) I adjust the FpsCap in the mod, but it will not change the result. Is this a bug, or is there something wrong with my settings?

Try lowering the Antialiasing option on the game launcher itself. That kind of ram usage suggests me you're either using high or ultra, try medium and see if the framerate improves. You can read an explaination as to why this happens in the main page of the project.

Xbob42 commented 1 year ago

Yes, the "antialiasing" in the game is actually a resolution multiplier (well, a supersampler), it is very expensive.

ShiinaRinne commented 1 year ago

Hello! Thank you so much for the mod! But I encountered some problems in using, T(IFDS8P4I}K8{NJ@5KPHHG S27KB $87 W$6YZ70I$PMO After I use this mod, the actual number of frames in the game is only 40± at most (without high-quality presets, anti-aliasing, shadows, etc.), and the GPU usage is very high (my GPU is a laptop 3060) I adjust the FpsCap in the mod, but it will not change the result. Is this a bug, or is there something wrong with my settings?

Try lowering the Antialiasing option on the game launcher itself. That kind of ram usage suggests me you're either using high or ultra, try medium and see if the framerate improves. You can read an explaination as to why this happens in the main page of the project.

I tried turning off anti-aliasing and some other settings, and now it works fine at 60fps~Thanks again!

enquiring-dog commented 1 year ago

Hello! Thank you so much for the work you are doing with this mod.

I've encountered a couple of issues and I thought I'd share them here to see what you think about them. 1.- RTS mission, specifically expert trials seem to be impossible to do with the mod on. There seems to be an issue with troop attack speed and town/domain regen speed so that it is impossible for units to lower energy walls in towns.

2.- In chapter three in the last mission where you infiltrate the empire there is a door which will not open completely once you clear the enemies in the area.

3.- There seems to be an issue with Sice's Death Maelstrom/Tornado where it will not track or track enemies extremely slow. I actually thought at firs this was normal but after disabling the mod to complete an RTS mission I saw it actually tracks.

Again, thanks a ton for the work you are doing. If you need me to share anything regarding the issues I found let me know and I will try my best.


Banz99 commented 1 year ago

Hello! Thank you so much for the work you are doing with this mod.

I've encountered a couple of issues and I thought I'd share them here to see what you think about them. 1.- RTS mission, specifically expert trials seem to be impossible to do with the mod on. There seems to be an issue with troop attack speed and town/domain regen speed so that it is impossible for units to lower energy walls in towns.

2.- In chapter three in the last mission where you infiltrate the empire there is a door which will not open completely once you clear the enemies in the area.

3.- There seems to be an issue with Sice's Death Maelstrom/Tornado where it will not track or track enemies extremely slow. I actually thought at firs this was normal but after disabling the mod to complete an RTS mission I saw it actually tracks.

Again, thanks a ton for the work you are doing. If you need me to share anything regarding the issues I found let me know and I will try my best.


Can you provide some save files from (C:\Users\\AppData\Local\SquareEnix\FinalFantasyType-0HD\save) so I can pinpoint the issues?

enquiring-dog commented 1 year ago

Sure. Here's my save data. you can test the RTS bug in the mission "Repelling the empire" in mission mode and hopefully Sice's bug as well. For the chapter 3 issue I'll have to get back to you later since I can't get a save at the exact point where it happens at the moment.

I also found another issue in chapter 5 where it is possible to softlock near the end where you have to chase the dragon around (i did it as fast a possible but still softlocked). I'll have to get back to you later with a save for this as well since I am past that point in the story.

Thanks again!

Banz99 commented 1 year ago

Sure. Here's my save data. you can test the RTS bug in the mission "Repelling the empire" in mission mode and hopefully Sice's bug as well. For the chapter 3 issue I'll have to get back to you later since I can't get a save at the exact point where it happens at the moment.

I also found another issue in chapter 5 where it is possible to softlock near the end where you have to chase the dragon around (i did it as fast a possible but still softlocked). I'll have to get back to you later with a save for this as well since I am past that point in the story.

Thanks again!

Sorry for keeping you busy, but you sent me your graphics config file. Can you resend me these or the entire folder, please? image

enquiring-dog commented 1 year ago

Ok. Sorry about that, my bad. Steam seems to be doing some fuckery with my saves and I had to download it manually from steam cloud.

Hope this helps!

Banz99 commented 1 year ago

Ok. Sorry about that, my bad. Steam seems to be doing some fuckery with my saves and I had to download it manually from steam cloud.

Hope this helps!

Good news, I have changed how the frame counter based character moves work, now it should work correctly (i.e. fixing Nine's superjump and Sice's death maelstrom in the process) and also allow for RTS missions to be played kinda properly (fortress regen and troop spawn speed are fixed, but animations are still broken, they resemble the 2d texture mouth problem, I've been trying to fix that for a while, but it's been not successful so far). You can check the changes out with the nightly build at #2, however since those are major changes I'm kind of expecting something else to break that was previosly working, in case let me know.

dunia01 commented 1 year ago

When trying 60 fps, I've encountered some issues. Similar to what I think issue #4 is talking about, some audio cues are making an echo, close to hearing double. Some examples of that are Machina's audio cue when being downed by an enemy or Cinque flailing her weapon. Cinque's Command Skill 'Gaia Pulse' doesn't work properly too, becoming stuck in place when used. Normally It would follow a linear trail.

Banz99 commented 1 year ago

When trying 60 fps, I've encountered some issues. Similar to what I think issue #4 is talking about, some audio cues are making an echo, close to hearing double. Some examples of that are Machina's audio cue when being downed by an enemy or Cinque flailing her weapon. Cinque's Command Skill 'Gaia Pulse' doesn't work properly too, becoming stuck in place when used. Normally It would follow a linear trail.

Gaia Pulse should be fixed in the nightly build, can you please check if that's the case for you too? As far as the audio is concerned, fixing that is going to be very difficult and given that there are still gameplay problems, I'd rather spend my time on those for now.

@enquiring-dog Can you confirm this latest nightly build fixes all RTS related problems (except animations)?

dunia01 commented 1 year ago

Gaia Pulse should be fixed in the nightly build, can you please check if that's the case for you too?

Sorry for the wait. Gaia Pulse is now fixed while on 60 fps, thank you. I want to replay the game this month, I will search for more issues when it happens.

Banz99 commented 1 year ago

@dunia01 The sixth release has some new fixes included, audio being one of them. Let me know how it sounds for you.