Baptiste-Pollien / pacrust

A PacMan game implemented in Rust inspired by PacGo.
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the terminal flashes a lot #1

Open amtoine opened 2 years ago

amtoine commented 2 years ago

hello there @Baptiste-Pollien :wave: :yum:

i do not know if you are still maintaining this project :open_mouth:

i'm from ISAE-Supaero as well and @c.garion introduced me to this version of Pac-Man written in rust, which is kinda cool :muscle:

THE BUG: when i run the game with cargo run, my terminal flashes between each frame i believe :thinking: it is quite a pain to look at the board...

this might simply be a clear in the code between each frame to redraw the board, not a big thing probably :yum: just to let you know :wink:


Baptiste-Pollien commented 2 years ago


Thank you for the bug. I have also some flash but they are rare. This may be a problem that depends on the terminal used.

As you suggested, I should not clear at each frame but only re-draw the modifications.

It's been a long time since I've not touched this project, but maybe one day I will motivate myself to make these modifications and finish it (I just saw that I had not implemented certain functionalities).

amtoine commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the bug. I have also some flash but they are rare. This may be a problem that depends on the terminal used.

yeah i'm using alacritty right now :thinking:

As you suggested, I should not clear at each frame but only re-draw the modifications.

looks like the easiest to do :yum:

It's been a long time since I've not touched this project, but maybe one day I will motivate myself to make these modifications and finish it (I just saw that I had not implemented certain functionalities).

no worries, it was just to write that down somewhere :wink: