BarakChamo / Mobile-Application-Development

Class repo for Mobile Application Development, Integrated Digital Media, Tandon School of Engineering, NYU
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Class 9 - Authentication and Users #7

Open BarakChamo opened 4 years ago

BarakChamo commented 4 years ago

Assignment - Authentication and Users

For next class, your assignment is to build a small app, or extend an existing one, that will feature user-specific data access and account management.

Your app should be able to store and retrieve user records from Firestore and only load and display data created by the currently logged in user.

There are many ways to guarantee users only have access to their content, and you'll have to find one that suits your needs and your app requirements.

Your apps should feature:

  1. Login and signup views
  2. Automatic navigation based on authentication state
  3. User-created records filtered by the currently logged in user.

Post published Expo links below.

SheharaRan commented 4 years ago

Shehara Ranasinghe

md3756 commented 4 years ago

Mithila Das

dl3474 commented 4 years ago

Daisy Li

vms343 commented 4 years ago

Vida Saffari: Partnered with Carolyn, Prakriti, and Ranti

bc0424 commented 4 years ago

lyannel commented 4 years ago

Lyanne Lalunio

carolynmccawley commented 4 years ago

Carolyn McCawley: with Prakriti, Ranti, and Vida

jordanekane commented 4 years ago

richaelsun0224 commented 4 years ago

Richael Sun

shahriarsadi commented 4 years ago