BarbicanInference / brick-one

A communal physical operating system, first prototype using O'doyle Rules
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Exploring p2p solutions available to Clojure / on the JVM #2

Open berkan opened 5 months ago

berkan commented 5 months ago

libp2p/jvm-libp2p: a libp2p implementation for the JVM, written in Kotlin 🔥

Active and frequently updated project.

Usable/working modules for:

So, the current state of the library limits peers to be on the local LAN, but this will change when they finish work on Kad-DHT.

berkan commented 5 months ago

techascent/p2p-chat: A Peer-to-Peer chat using re-frame, reagent and libp2p

Toy example using libp2p in Clojurescript -- peers run in the browser, but libp2p's pub/sub model and the clojurescript code are good for study:

berkan commented 5 months ago

Peergos/nabu: A minimal Java implementation of IPFS

Active and and frequently updated project, using (and contributing to) jvm-lib2p2.

Specifically and most relevant for us is the chat app below, where nodes find & connect to each other and exchange messages only by knowing each other's ids.

Peergos/nabu-chat: simple cmd line chat using nabu primitives