BardoelT / com.p1.dsmr

The Homey app for reading data of the DSMRv4 board
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Get in contact #2

Open MarcoGos opened 3 years ago

MarcoGos commented 3 years ago

Hi Thijs,

I noticed you've created this app for Homey. I'm currently working on an app for the dsmrv5 for hardware from Martijn Hendriks. During publishing to the Athom Store they noticed your app and asked me to maybe integrate my changes in your app. By lack of other communications with you I created this issue to get in contact.

Gtx Marco Gosselink

BardoelT commented 3 years ago

Hi Marco,

I think its a good idea to integrate your driver with the app! The hardware you referred to is different of the one of Aan de Wiel, right? I think the best integration is a new driver.js and device.js, can you create a pull request with the changes?

MarcoGos commented 3 years ago

Hi Thijs,

I already based my app on sdk3 and upgraded your app to sdk3 as well. Maybe we/you can make a sdk3 branch for the future so I can store the current work?. After that I will try to get it downgraded to sdk2 and do a pull request.

MarcoGos commented 3 years ago

Hi Thijs, I created a pull request for adding the new driver. Also altered the original driver a bit so the driver will only be installed on the right api version of the board reader and added 2 readonly settings 'Firmware version' and 'Board Type'. Could you please try the original version if it still works for you?

BardoelT commented 3 years ago

Hi Marco, Yesterday I merged the pull-request. At the moment I am updating the dsmr-logger driver with some of the funtionalities from the dsmr-logger-api-v2 driver, thanks for the nice additions! After that I will test the dsmr-logger driver and will push the new version of the Homey app to the test-envirement. I will notify you with a link so you can test the dsmr-logger-api-v2 app. If everything is up-and-running I will publish the new version of the app.

You already mentioned the SDK3 version. As you mentioned I will create a branch so we can work on the updated SDK.

BardoelT commented 3 years ago

Hi Marco, Today I released the app for testing purposes. Will you let me know if you run in any troubles? I also created a sdk3 branch on wich I will start developing soon.

MarcoGos commented 3 years ago

Good to hear Thijs, I installed the test version and will test it and let you know if I run into troubles.