PlayerEx: Director's Cut v3.6.1, MC v1.20.1, Archer (RPG Series) v1.2.1.
Custom mod list. Full list available in latest.log (attached).
The mod list was originally put together mid March with Archers v1.0.7 and no issues were noted at that time.
After a relatively recent update to the Archers mod, the Ranged Damage attribute in the Combat tab doesn't appear to be displaying properly.
This happens in single player and when connecting to a local server.
I think this may be related to the Archers mod switching to RangedWeaponAPI with their v 1.1.0, but I'm not sure.
PlayerEx: Director's Cut v3.6.1, MC v1.20.1, Archer (RPG Series) v1.2.1. Custom mod list. Full list available in latest.log (attached). latest.log
The mod list was originally put together mid March with Archers v1.0.7 and no issues were noted at that time. After a relatively recent update to the Archers mod, the Ranged Damage attribute in the Combat tab doesn't appear to be displaying properly. This happens in single player and when connecting to a local server. I think this may be related to the Archers mod switching to RangedWeaponAPI with their v 1.1.0, but I'm not sure.