Barelydead / strapi-plugin-populate-deep

A Strapi plugin that makes it easier to populate deep content structures
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relation fields not populated fully #51

Open watermelon-mann opened 3 months ago

watermelon-mann commented 3 months ago

I have a content type which has on to one relation (parent content type has one child content type) to another content type which in turn also have it's own relations multiple levels deep.

Now the parent content type has 2 fields for the child relation, one of them is being populated as expected, but the other is missing some of it's own relations.

I know that the levels of deepness is not an issue since one if the child relations is being populated properly and they are both on the same level, and they are both the same type

I know the configurations is not an issue since I was able to get the desired data populated properly when I tried Strapi's official guide on how to populate multiple relations multiple levels deep (via populate[child_type_1][populate][0]=child_of_child type&populate[child_type_2][populate][0]=child_of_child_type)

So it's working as expected with Strapi's guide but with populate=deep only one of the child_type-s is being populated fully, the other one is a bit weird because it has images, but one of the relations is missing from it

How to replicate:

  1. Create a content type with it's own relations (images, custom relations etc.)
  2. Create a parent content type with 2 fields which are one to one relations to the first content type

    Expected behavior: the relations are populated

    Actual: the relations are populated partially in one of the child types