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Feedback on version 3.0.0 of generator #4

Open nessthehero opened 8 years ago

nessthehero commented 8 years ago

I have a preliminary version of the next iteration of the generator. It's on my github at nessthehero/generator-brei-app. I'd like for you guys to take a look and see if it is set up it a way that makes sense.

You can drop the following directories/files:


into this directory: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/generator-brei-app

then do an npm install in that directory if you want to test.

You'll need to wipe out your existing generator files, but you can always restore the current generator by deleting the generator-brei-app directory and doing an npm install -g generator-brei-app. Let me know if you have issues with this.

It also includes things like SCSS Linting, so I definitely want your opinion on that. Check out the .scss-lint.yml file in the generated project.

The major change of this is the inclusion of Foundation 6 and the rewrite of some of the sass boilerplate to compensate. The sass boilerplate (and many other components) are all managed in their own separate repositories, under the branch next. Fork them if you like.

I would like feedback on the new sass boilerplate, scss linting, and how the generator operates as a whole. Anything you'd like to change or modify. Stuff you love and stuff you hate.

Whenever you have time.

@Sean-BREI @sharissis

nessthehero commented 8 years ago

Added some fixes for feedback from Stacho yesterday.

nessthehero commented 8 years ago

Current new features:







In progress: