Barma-lej / halandroid

Worx Landroid package for Home Assistant based on Landroid Cloud by @MTrab
MIT License
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Can you please add LandXCape and Kress #27

Closed RichardIstSauer closed 1 year ago

RichardIstSauer commented 2 years ago

Hello can you please add LandXCape and Kress. For example like here

Barma-lej commented 2 years ago

Simply add to landroid.yaml to line 10:

type: landxcape


type: kress

Like this:

# Cloud #############################################################
  email: !secret landroid_mail
  password: !secret landroid_pass
  type: landxcape
RichardIstSauer commented 2 years ago

Thx. But why I should do this: Change the name of lawnmower in App to Mower?

Barma-lej commented 2 years ago

If you don't want to do this then you should do this:


Search sensor.landroid_mower_battery, sensor.landroid_mower_error, sensor.landroid_mower_status in the files package/landroid_de.yaml, package/landroid_LANGUAGE_CODE.yaml and in new Lovelace card and replace it with your sensor names

Otherweise will package not works

RichardIstSauer commented 2 years ago

Is there a possibility to parsing the states which are coming from the mqtt server. Like "Home" to "Zuhause" or "No Error" to "Kein Fehler"?

Barma-lej commented 2 years ago

It is possible with 2 ways:

  1. Add translates to this integration (I can't to do it)
  2. Add template sensor to package. (Maybe in future)
Erestes commented 2 years ago

I've made lang translation to Polish (landroid_pl.yaml) - do you want to add it? If so where should I put it?

Barma-lej commented 2 years ago

You don't have any repostitories. You can publish your transltion in the new issue and i copy it to the package