Barma-lej / landroid-card

Landroid mower card for Home Assistant Lovelace UI
MIT License
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Card: Torque adjustment is unavailable #374

Open maijo366 opened 3 weeks ago

maijo366 commented 3 weeks ago

In my Landroid Card is the Torque adjustment unavailable.


In developertools:


Barma-lej commented 3 weeks ago

@MTrab since version 5.0.3 Landroid_Cloud has temporarily disabled Torque entity. I use 5.0.2

MTrab commented 3 weeks ago

Torque is disabled due to a firmware bug on some models, resulting in the mower crashing and no longer reporting states to the API until it has been restarted. I'm awaiting Positecs take on this and a potential firmware update

maijo366 commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks i don´t need this, but how can i this entity cancel from the card?

Barma-lej commented 3 weeks ago

This is not possible yet, but I plan to make separate settings for this, when I have time.