BarneyShi / Team1-VanHouse

CPSC455 course project.
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Scrum report #4 #30

Open BarneyShi opened 3 years ago

BarneyShi commented 3 years ago

csid: n0k2b

NaithanB commented 3 years ago

CSID: c2o7

  1. What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)?

    • Made GET requests to get posts from the db for the main page and post detail page and setup loadingSpinners and alerts to display feedback to users
    • Made a POST request to add new posts to the db and handled uploading images as base64 strings
    • Helped integrate Yuxin’s search filter queries with the PostCollection and helped find/solve some bugs in the backend.
  2. What were any major issues/challenges you ran into?

    • The transfer time for images is larger than I anticipated.
  3. What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)?

    • I plan to find more strategies to reduce the image load time and add a “see more posts” button to the PostCollection to limit the number of posts that are loaded at once.
parksj23 commented 3 years ago

csid: s7j1b

  1. What I worked on this past iteration (2 weeks): I worked on registering and logging users with the use of the MongoDB database. I also worked on user authentication using JSON web tokens (JWTs) and learned how to protect certain routes/functions on the website.

  2. Major issues/challenges I ran into: JWTs were new to me so it took a long time to feel like I understood them enough to start implementing them. I also ran into issues trying to access the token when trying to authenticate the user as well as the current user (hen trying to add conditional rendering to my front-end, but I was able to figure out workarounds for these problems.

  3. What I plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks): I plan to ensure that the jwt login/user authentication methods I have now are safe and do not expose user info. Other things I may add are: making a user account page that will show logged-in users their posts or ability to edit their information; adding an admin user; integrating other ways of logging in (e.g. Facebook, Google); a more robust password strength validator; a 'Forgot Password' feature; refresh tokens that will minimize the number of times a user has to login.

tyxxxx commented 3 years ago

CSID: f0z1b

What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)? Made GET requests to filter posts according to location, price, category and users. (List of posts by a single user, List of posts filtered by price/location when searching)

What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? There was a bug in the location filtering. And learning how to get data also took me some time

What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)? I plan to complete the search filtering by typing words / terms directly into the search box