Baron-von-Riedesel / HX

Home of the HX DOS Extender and its included DPMI-host HDPMI.
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Build issues #40

Open awik32 opened 7 months ago

awik32 commented 7 months ago

I'm trying to build HX

Q:\git\HX\Src>wmake -ms >wmake2.out
Error(E42): Last command making (Release\EDITPE.obj) returned a bad status
Error(E02): Make execution terminated
Error(E42): Last command making (ALL) returned a bad status
Error(E02): Make execution terminated

Q:\git\HX\Src>type wmake2.out
Open Watcom Make Version 1.9
Portions Copyright (c) 1988-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Source code is available under the Sybase Open Watcom Public License.
See for details.
        cd    HDPMI
        cd ..\DPMILDR
        cd ..\VESA32
        cd ..\HXLDR32
        cd ..\EDITPE
EDITPE.ASM(10) : Error A2106: Cannot open file: "" [ENOENT]
EDITPE.ASM(78) : Error A2209: Syntax error: mzhdr
EDITPE.ASM(79) : Error A2209: Syntax error: pehdr


The environment is Win98SE under VMware under Linux. More information available on request.

Baron-von-Riedesel commented 7 months ago

It's a bug in src/EditPE/MAKEFILE. Line

AOPT=-c -nologo -coff -Sg -Fl$* -Fo$* $(AOPTD) -I$(HXINST)\Include

should actually be:

AOPT=-c -nologo -coff -Sg -Fl$* -Fo$* $(AOPTD) -I$(INC32DIR)
awik32 commented 7 months ago

OK. Next error:

Q:\git\HX\Src>wmake -ms >wmake.out
Error(E42): Last command making (Release\EDITPE.EXE) returned a bad status
Error(E02): Make execution terminated

Excerpt from wmake.out:

    cd ..\EDITPE
Warning! W1008: cannot open dkrnl32.lib : No such file or directory
Warning! W1008: cannot open libc32s.lib : No such file or directory
Error! E2028: _mainCRTStartup is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _fopen is an undefined reference
Baron-von-Riedesel commented 7 months ago

Are you sure you have installed the HXDEV package before running nmake?

awik32 commented 7 months ago

I think so, yes:

Q:\git\HX\Src>dir c:\hx\dkrnl32.lib /s
Directory of C:\HX\LIB

DKRNL32  LIB       129,682  27/01/23   9:52 DKRNL32.lib
         1 file(s)        129,682 bytes

And the DIRS are as follows:

Q:\git\HX\Src>cat dirs

# HXINST:  location where to install HX binaries
# LIBCOFF: location where COFF libraries will be read from


#MAKE=nmake.exe /nologo
MAKE=wmake.exe -h -ms
ASM=jwasm.exe -q
LIBBIN=jwlib.exe -q -fa -n
LIB16BIN=jwlib.exe -q -b -n

Baron-von-Riedesel commented 7 months ago

Makefile for EditPE obviously assumes that HXINST contains the directories supplied with HXDEV.

awik32 commented 7 months ago

Is not LIBCOFF supposed to be used for finding the libraries?

Anyway, I changed the HXINST variable to the path where I installed the binary release of HX. After that, the build finished without further errors. Then I changed HX again, back to the c:\my.HX directory where I want my build installed.

However, there is something peculiar about "wmake -ms install" (in the Src directory). I end up with the following files in my install directory:

Q:\git\HX\Src>dir c:\my.HX\

 Volume in drive C has no label
 Volume Serial Number is 353A-18E6
 Directory of C:\my.HX

.              <DIR>        06/02/24   7:51 .
..             <DIR>        06/02/24   7:51 ..
BIN                    714  06/02/24   7:47 Bin
INCLUDE              4,732  04/02/24  18:12 Include
DOC                  1,571  04/02/24  18:12 Doc
UNSUPP               3,025  04/02/24  18:12 UnSupp
LIB                 18,642  04/02/24  19:21 Lib
LIBOMF                 791  06/02/24   7:47 LibOMF
LIB16                  131  06/02/24   7:47 Lib16
         7 file(s)         29,606 bytes
         2 dir(s)        6,536.24 MB free


Note that these directory entries are not directories, but ordinary files!

Baron-von-Riedesel commented 7 months ago

Is not LIBCOFF supposed to be used for finding the libraries?

Yes, I think that was the goal. Nevertheless, the current status is that LIBCOFF should be "$(HXINST)\Lib". The "stubs" are also supposed to be taken from "$(HXINST)\Bin", so corrently it's still kind of a mix.

Note that these directory entries are not directories, but ordinary files!

A wmake bug? Did you use the binary from OW v1.9? OW 2.0 still has no "official" release.

awik32 commented 7 months ago

The same problem occurs with NMake.

From stderr:

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility   Version 6.00.8168.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved.

Path not found - c:\my.HX\OWSupp\WDSupp
File not found - HXHELP\TRAP\HX.TRP
Path not found - c:\my.HX\OWSupp\WDSupp
Path not found - c:\my.HX\OWSupp16\HXHP16.EXE
File not found - HXHELP\TRAP\HX16.TRP

From stdin:

        1 file(s) copied
        1 file(s) copied
        1 file(s) copied
        0 file(s) copied
        0 file(s) copied
        0 file(s) copied
        0 file(s) copied
        0 file(s) copied
        1 file(s) copied
        1 file(s) copied
        1 file(s) copied

A wmake bug? Did you use the binary from OW v1.9? OW 2.0 still has no "official" release.

Q:\git\HX\Src>wmake -?
Open Watcom Make Version 1.9
Portions Copyright (c) 1988-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Baron-von-Riedesel commented 7 months ago

The same problem occurs with NMake. Path not found - c:\my.HX\OWSupp\WDSupp File not found - HXHELP\TRAP\HX.TRP

Hm, doesn't really look like "the same problem". The "Path not found" errors are trivial to fix by a few lines in MAKEFILE:

    @if not exist $(HXINST)\NUL               mkdir $(HXINST)
    @if not exist $(HXINST)\Bin\NUL           mkdir $(HXINST)\Bin
    @if not exist $(HXINST)\Doc\NUL           mkdir $(HXINST)\Doc
    @if not exist $(HXINST)\Include\NUL       mkdir $(HXINST)\Include
    @if not exist $(HXINST)\Lib\NUL           mkdir $(HXINST)\Lib
    @if not exist $(HXINST)\LibOMF\NUL        mkdir $(HXINST)\LibOMF
    @if not exist $(HXINST)\Lib16\NUL         mkdir $(HXINST)\Lib16
    @if not exist $(HXINST)\OWSupp\NUL        mkdir $(HXINST)\OWSupp
    @if not exist $(HXINST)\OWSupp\WDSupp\NUL mkdir $(HXINST)\OWSupp\WDSupp
    @if not exist $(HXINST)\OWSupp16\NUL      mkdir $(HXINST)\OWSupp16
    @if not exist $(HXINST)\Unsupp\NUL        mkdir $(HXINST)\UnSupp

The "file not found" errors are of a different nature - the generation of the trap files for the Watcom debugger hasn't succeeded. Those are indeed a bit problematic, since, IIRC they need parts of OW. Will have a look at this later.

Baron-von-Riedesel commented 7 months ago

Ok, I added the binary trap files to src\hxhelp\trap, although I really don't like to supply binary files with source.

awik32 commented 7 months ago

After doing "nmake install", is the %hxinst% directory supposed to be identical to that of a (zipped) release?

Here are the differences (in the directory tree, not files) between my C:\HX (from release) and C:\my.HX (from source):

--- hx.find 2024-02-09 10:36:52 +0000
+++ myhx.find   2024-02-09 10:36:42 +0000
@@ -6,43 +6,6 @@

Is there a way to produce the .ZIP files?

Baron-von-Riedesel commented 7 months ago

After doing "nmake install", is the %hxinst% directory supposed to be identical to that of a (zipped) release?

It's supposed that you install into HXINST all zips that are delivered: hxrt, hxgui, hxdev. And run nmake after those steps.

awik32 commented 7 months ago

Yes, that's what I did. The question is whether you can create, from source, all the same files you get from the ZIPs, or even generate the ZIPs themselves?

Baron-von-Riedesel commented 7 months ago

The question is whether you can create, from source, all the same files you get from the ZIPs, or even generate the ZIPs themselves?

No, obviously.