Baron-von-Riedesel / Jemm

Jemm386 and JemmEx are socalled EMMs ( Expanded Memory Managers ) or, more exactly, V86 monitors.
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Feature request: please add compatibility with the QEMM-386 Programming Interface (QPI) #6

Closed volkertb closed 3 years ago

volkertb commented 4 years ago

Adding support for QPI (as well as GEMMIS, see issue #5) would allow Jemm386 and JemmEx to become complete drop-in replacements for QEMM386.

Motivation: there are some existing DOS utilities that leverage 386 CPU features through QPI to provide certain functionality, such as emulation of certain hardware. An example of this is the Virtual Sound Blaster TSR by Andrew Zabolotny.

Of course, if the source code is available, an alternative could be to port such software to be a Jemm Loadable Module, so the same could be accomplished with Jemm, using JLoad. But that would require quite a bit of effort. Also, it would not be a solution for running closed-source software.

QPI support in Jemm might even make it possible for FreeDOS to run DESQview out of the box, without requiring QEMM386.

Some documentation on QPI can be found here:

volkertb commented 3 years ago

As discussed at, it's not worth the effort.

Therefore closing this feature request.

volkertb commented 1 year ago

@Baron-von-Riedesel I understand that you ended up implementing this functionality anyway, in the form of a Jemm loadable module, to help @crazii with his SBEMU project.

Is that module already complete? Because if you're still working on this, perhaps this ticket should technically be reopened?

Thanks for doing that, by the way! SBEMU is an amazing project and being able to use it with Jemm is even better. :slightly_smiling_face: