Baroshem / nuxt-security

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fix(types): allow middleware props to be optional when specified in global config #458

Closed GalacticHypernova closed 4 weeks ago

GalacticHypernova commented 1 month ago

Types of changes


Allows to specify multiple properties only partially while keeping the rest in default values


vercel[bot] commented 1 month ago

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Name Status Preview Comments Updated (UTC)
nuxt-security ✅ Ready (Inspect) Visit Preview 💬 Add feedback May 27, 2024 8:09pm
vejja commented 1 month ago

I’m not sure they can be optional. Isn’t it only the case if the default config is used?

GalacticHypernova commented 1 month ago

The default config is used regardless in module.ts, so I assume it can be optional?

vejja commented 1 month ago

Not if the user deactivates them with ‘false’ Which then might become an issue at route level?

GalacticHypernova commented 1 month ago

Well, does the default config per route not work with route level configuration? If a person doesn't specify 'false' at a certain route, won't the default configuration for that route be the one with the default values? If not, then there's the question of whether we want to sacrifice dx for global config to ensure proper values at route level config

vejja commented 1 month ago

The routes are resolved recursively so if at any level the feature is deactivated with false, all routes nested within that level will not inherit any default values. Worth double-checking, but I’m pretty sure that this is what defu will do.

Also if the user changes a default value in the global options (or at any route level), all nested route rules (below that route) will inherit this custom value and not the default value.

Even if we changed the code to modify this behaviour, wouldn't we end up in a situation where we have inconsistent behaviour across features ? e.g.

GalacticHypernova commented 1 month ago

Lastly, wouldn't we end up in a situation where we have inconsistent behaviour across features ?

I mean, the throwError field is already optional and I haven't seen any issues with that in any of the middleware?

Also if the user changes a default value in the global options, he would then expect all nested routes to inherit his custom value, not the defaultConfig value that would be set with this proposal.

Well, it would inherit from the global config but would be overridden by per-route config, wouldn't it? That way if someone changes the default value in global config, per route config would inherit from the global config, rather than the default one.

vejja commented 1 month ago

The problem only arises with route-level configurations. If we want the user to be able to deactivate the feature for a certain route level, then we need to give him the ability to reactivate it for a nested route below. At this point there is no definition of a fallback default anymore.

GalacticHypernova commented 1 month ago

Interesting... how about adding specific type overload for per route config that would require all required props?

vejja commented 1 month ago

Absolutely, great idea

GalacticHypernova commented 1 month ago

I made the route-specific config have all the required props, so now it shouldn't cause any issues. Although the throwError would also be required in that case. Should this one stay optional?

vejja commented 1 month ago

Hey @GalacticHypernova, looks good here I'm wondering whether I could request 2 additional changes

In addition, throwError can remain optional because the implicit default is assumed to be false

GalacticHypernova commented 1 month ago

merge from 2.0.0-rc.1 instead of main : this is because the RateLimiter type has changed

I don't think I have access to rebase the PR unfortunately, is there a way you could do it please?

use only Required instead of RequiredOptional : this is because the new RateLimiter type in the route rules already eliminates some fields, so for clarity it would be easier to read (I think this request will become obvious when you rebase from 2.0.0-rc.1)

I accidentally recreated Required through RequiredOptional, forgot the type existed

GalacticHypernova commented 1 month ago

Updated it to comply with the RC branch. Anything else you think I should add?

vejja commented 1 month ago

throwError is now required in route rules, but maybe it could stay optional ? Also would you mind verifying if the docs need to be updated for throwError because I said default was false but actually I think I was wrong

GalacticHypernova commented 4 weeks ago

throwError is now required in route rules, but maybe it could stay optional ?

Done, it should now stay optional.

because I said default was false but actually I think I was wrong

The default is true (in the docs)