Baroshem / nuxt-security

🛡 Automatically configure your app to follow OWASP security patterns and principles by using HTTP Headers and Middleware
MIT License
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CSRF #477

Open moshetanzer opened 1 week ago

moshetanzer commented 1 week ago


Thanks again for your great library.

Having this issue wonder if you could point me in the right direction.

I have CSRF protection enabled for my login page. My app is hosted on Vercel.

Seems to be that the first time out customer comes back to app, the CSRF always fails and requires a page reload for it to work.

It is an internal app only used I would say weekly. Could it be something with vercel's Serverless architecture. Seems strange.

Any suggestions?

Latest version nuxt-security: nuxt:

Baroshem commented 1 week ago

That is an interesting question @Morgbn would you have some ideas about it?

moshetanzer commented 1 week ago

Have disabled for now... would love a solution

moshetanzer commented 1 week ago

Also been a pain since when you disable csurf in nuxt config. Whole app breaks since car is not found...

christie-hill-za commented 1 week ago

I also just noticed this issue with a form. I am hosting our Nuxt site on Azure Static Web Apps.

Not sure what the cause could be, but if I have more info, I will share here.

Baroshem commented 1 week ago

Don't have answer now. I would love to get feedback from @Morgbn about it as he knows the stuff :)

moshetanzer commented 1 week ago


I think that maybe a warning should be put on the website (even thought it is by default disabled) that CSRF doesnt work properly with serverless functions.

Morgbn commented 1 week ago

Hello, I recently noticed the same thing on a project hosted on Cloudfare I need to investigate, I'll get back to you as soon as I know more!

moshetanzer commented 6 days ago

Issue is simple. Functions should be considered starless due to their cold state nature. Which means any solution using the same method cannot work. We have to change this CSRF to the Double submit cookie pattern.

UPDATE: Think it will be better and easier to just go with the Origin method. @Baroshem should we get the host from a ENV? Or Host or X-forwards host. Issue is that I think x forwarded is disabled by default?

If I have a bit of time 😇 will open a PR.