Baroshem / nuxt-security

🛡 Automatically configure your app to follow OWASP security patterns and principles by using HTTP Headers and Middleware
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NuxtLink Support with custom route rules #527

Open markus-gx opened 5 days ago

markus-gx commented 5 days ago


- Operating System: Darwin
- Node Version:     v20.5.1
- Nuxt Version:     3.13.2
- CLI Version:      3.13.2
- Nitro Version:    2.9.7
- Package Manager:  yarn@4.1.1
- Builder:          -
- User Config:      future, app, hooks, routeRules, runtimeConfig, swiper, css, components, modules, image, security, postcss, vite, extends, compatibilityDate, formkit, plausible, cookieFirst, shopware
- Runtime Modules:  @storyblok/nuxt@6.0.11, @nuxtjs/tailwindcss@6.12.1, @pinia/nuxt@0.5.4, @nuxt/image@1.8.0, @shopware-pwa/nuxt3-module@0.0.0-canary-20240919190735, nuxt-swiper@1.2.2, @formkit/nuxt@1.6.7, nuxt-cookie-first@0.1.8, @nuxtjs/plausible@1.0.2, nuxt-security@1.4.3
- Build Modules:    -

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Set up custom route rules (e.g., configure specific security headers for PayPal on a checkout route).
  2. Reload the page where the custom route rules are applied (e.g., the checkout route) and verify that the custom security headers are correctly applied.
  3. From a different page, use <nuxt-link> to navigate internally to the page where custom route rules were set.
  4. Upon navigating to the page via <nuxt-link>, observe that the custom security headers are no longer applied.

Expected Behavior:

Custom route rules should persist and be applied correctly, even when navigating internally via <nuxt-link>. The custom headers (e.g., for PayPal on the checkout route) should still be present, ensuring consistent security behavior.

Actual Behavior:

The custom route-specific security headers are not applied when navigating internally using <nuxt-link>. Instead, the default global nuxt-security settings are applied, overwriting/not applying the expected custom route headers.

Additional Information:

vejja commented 1 day ago

Hi @markus-gx

I was going to give you the all-frustrating "it's not a bug, it's a feature" but I do have to say it's an issue. Unfortunately this is completely outside our control, and it all relies on Nuxt having its roots in client-side Single-Page Applications, while CSP is a server-side specification defined at page-level.

The issue that you are facing is that when you navigate on the client-side, your application is not hitting the server again. Everything happens in the browser, so the headers are not refreshed.

We have an extensive write-up about this issue in our docs here: Our recommendation is to not use routeRules for headers if you can. Instead, try to define a single policy that will cover your entire application. If you absolutely need to enforce route-level security rules, our recommendation is to force a page-reload upon entering and leaving the specific route.

We discussed internally whether we would drop the routeRules feature and decided to keep it for some advanced use cases. Maybe we should rewrite the docs to hide it somewhere deep in the documentation, and surround it with big warnings...

markus-gx commented 1 day ago

Thanks for the answer! Totally understand that - hiding is always great :P

Baroshem commented 22 hours ago

I would be up for hiding it as well but not removing it as someone might need it. Thanks for the answer and comments! :)