BartekSz95 / phpvirtualbox

A web interface to manage and access Virtualbox machines.
55 stars 15 forks source link

SOLVED_This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. #11

Closed flintstoney closed 8 months ago

flintstoney commented 8 months ago

Hello friends. When i try to pass the http://localhost:18083 link browser shows me: 2023-11-03_10-53

if I try to pass http://localhost/phpvirtualbox/ i see: An unknown PHP error occurred. This is most likely a syntax error in config.php in phpVirtualBox's folder. xxx

with the apache is the same.

I am runing Arch Linux OS PHP - 8.2.12 VirtualBox - 7.0.12 r159484

I tried diferent methods but nothing doesn't work. What can I do to solve it? Installed modules php82-xml and php-xmlrpc but this not worked for me.


SOAP-ENV:Client HTTP GET method not implemented `
BartekSz95 commented 8 months ago

Do you configure VBoxWeb Service and config.php file? In my opinion, you have something wrong in here.

Wiki for VBoxWeb configuration:

flintstoney commented 8 months ago

I added the vb username and password in config.php 2023-11-05_10-44

about vboxweb.service I almost did nothing. Just made possibility to start service from non root. 2023-11-05_10-35

Also, I creaded the /etc/default/virtualbox file: 2023-11-05_10-47

the user vboxadmin is created and added to vboxusers group: 2023-11-05_10-53

flintstoney commented 8 months ago

it was a problem with configs apache+php now is all ok