BartoszCichecki / LenovoLegionToolkit

Lightweight Lenovo Vantage and Hotkeys replacement for Lenovo Legion laptops.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[FEAT] Emulate automatic keyboard backlight #1350

Open mat02 opened 3 days ago

mat02 commented 3 days ago





Windows 11 23H2 22631.3737


Legion Slim14APH8

Is your feature request related to a problem?

Legion Slim 14 does have keyboard backlight, but it can be only on or off constantly. During web browsing and/or reading keyboard backlight could automatically turn off after specified time of inactivity. If user becomes active, backlight should be restored to previous state. This mode is present in other Lenovo laptops, e.g. Yoga Pro 14 or IdeaPad Pro.

How would you like the problem to be solved?

Legion Toolkit could add another backlight option (to already existing Low and High) named Automatic with option to set timeout, even if such option is not present in the Vantage software.

What alternatives have you considered?

The same functionality can be achieved by Actions using user Activity/Inactivity triggers right now, but there is no way to switch between this automatic mode and permanent setting (like, even if you manually select mode or turn off backlight, trigger will fire and change the backlight).

If more options would be added to the backlight action, like "Skip action if backlight turned off" and "Remeber State" / "Restore State" (so that it can later restore Low or High intensity after user becomes active) this would make this feature available without any additional custom changes.

Additional information

Anyway, thank you for this project and your work 🙌

BartoszCichecki commented 3 days ago

In what scenarios you would switch between this "automatic" mode and normal high/low setting? Feature like this will need to be based on Actions since it isn't supported by hardware, so if something is missing maybe we can extend Actions.

mat02 commented 3 days ago

For me, there is not much use for permanent High/Low setting, because I use backlight mainly at night. When watching Netflix or YouTube, I don't want to see backlight reflecting off the screen, so I turn it off, but then when I want to text someone or find another video, I have to find key for the backlight, turn it on etc.

In my other Lenovo (Yoga Pro 7) and Dell XPS, I can set the keyboard to automatic, so when I just move my cursor keyboard automatically lights up and turns off after couple of minutes, all by itself. This has additional benefit of using less battery, so for me it is a win-win ;)

I've already implemented this using Actions, but the problem is that when I use laptop during the day, every time I have to disable this Action manually, otherwise my keyboard lights on and off even if I turn it off using Fn+Space shortcut.

I am perfectly fine with using the Actions, MVP is an option to skip the action if backlight is already off.

Quality of life improvement (but not must have) would be the ability to switch between auto and Low/High backlight options, like, turn on/off this specific Action based on a shortcut. This is likely fit for seperate feature, that is allow to enable/disable specific step/action based on a shortcut, I am not sure if this is something that can be already done using macros, because I don't have numpad on my 14" Legion ;)