Barts-Life-Science / AzureTRE

An accelerator to help organizations build Trusted Research Environments on Azure.
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Consider downgrading App Service Plan for TRE services. #114

Open TonyWildish-BH opened 2 weeks ago

TonyWildish-BH commented 2 weeks ago

The App Service Plan used by default in the TRE in the base, base-adf and airlock-notifier workspace templates is P1v3, which is expensive about £192/month.

The other options in the pulldown menu in the TRE are P1v2 and S1, which are cheaper, but are also deprecated, which isn't great.

It would be nice to experiment with the basic offerings, but the TRE is configured to log everything about the App, which requires the Premium plan.

In particular, the AppServiceFileAuditLogs and AppServiceAntivirusScanAuditLogs log types require premium. However, the AppServiceFileAuditLogs isn't yet available for Apps running in Linux containers (which is all of them in the TRE), and the AppServiceAntivirusScanAuditLogs is still in preview, so not generally available.

Describe the solution you'd like I'd like to see if we can downgrade to a non-premium tier. This is a per-workspace cost, so with 100+ workspaces running, saving £1/day becomes significant.

TonyWildish-BH commented 2 weeks ago

I've managed to downgrade my own workspace to a B1, manually - not sure how, I can't reproduce it on other workspaces, they all object to becoming non-premium.

Note also that the S1 doesn't support those two log types, which is interesting, I'd expect Terraform to throw an error at that point, but it doesn't.