Closed bufu1337 closed 6 years ago
I had the same problem, and I think I just fixed it, I went into the config for Basemetals and disabled the materials that Moar tinkers already had tool parts for like Platinum, Invar, mithril, etc
I seemed to keep crashing for me until I disabled platinum specifically.
(BaseMetals Dev here) This isn't, really, an incompatability - its more that Tinkers' only allows a material name to be used once and be registered from a single point. Due to load-order it seems that BaseMetals and ModernMetals will generally get initialized and run prior to Moar Tinkers', leading to those registrations going into Tinkers' first.
In BaseMetals we added a check of the TinkersRegistry over a year ago (during the early days of the current version of our Tinkers' interaction code) because we were actually conflicting with Tinkers' itself over who was going to register LEAD. The result is that we now check the registry to see if a material has already been registered before we attempt to do it ourselves.
That solution should also work here in Moar Tinkers as well as in other mods that integrate with Tinkers'... However, there is a solution that can be used right now - BaseMetals (and the rest of the *Metals family) allow the end-user direct control over which materials they provide are actually instantiated and registered with MC and all the mods that we have interaction code for. In this case see config/BaseMetals.cfg and look for "B:EnablePlatinum" - change that to "false" and BaseMetals will no longer register its own Platinum or any of the blocks, armor, tools or other things that go along with it.
While dshadowwolf's solution works, Anyone attempting it should be aware that there is actually a large list of metals that you'll have to disable. Essentially you'll need to try to launch minecraft, wait till you get this error, then see which metal is causing the problem, rinse and repeat till you are out of conflicts.
Another solution is to set "B:tinkers_construct_integration" to "false" in BaseMetals.cfg - this will stop BaseMetals from registering anything at all with Tinkers Construct - which will leave the way open for Moar Tinkers' and other mods to handle the integration.
Do note that the solution I actually endorse is mods that integrate with Tinkers' actually checking with "com.slimeknights.tconstruct.library.TinkerRegistry" to see if a material has already been registered before trying to register the material on their own. Due to the vagaries of mod-loading this can sometimes reverse the failure, but then, since your code has been written defensively in an attempt to catch this situation and stop it, the issue is no longer with your code - right ? :)
Yeah i tried to dissable platinium and then another and another metal... this was too annoying for me because everytime minecraft forge has to load about 10min because of so many mods... so i just delete moar tinkers again and enabled everything again... i will try the "tinkers_construct_integration"-variable today afternoon... i hope it will work... big thx to all for your comments
@bufu1337 when anyone has problems involving any off the Metals mods I try to help out and provide solutions or workarounds - it is, to me, just the right thing to do.
@dshadowwolf ... big thx for you... the variable tinkers_construct_integration has to false and the taiga variable above also... its now working without any crashes and i still have the items from base metals... especially the horse armors from baae metals
Problem solved
Fixed in 0.6.0
Caused by: slimeknights.tconstruct.library.TinkerAPIException: [TCon API] Could not register Material "platinum": It was already registered by Base Metals at slimeknights.tconstruct.library.TinkerRegistry.error( at slimeknights.tconstruct.library.TinkerRegistry.addMaterial( at com.bartz24.moartinkers.MoarMaterialIntegration.preInit( at com.bartz24.moartinkers.registry.ModMaterials.ingotMaterial( at com.bartz24.moartinkers.registry.ModMaterials.preInit( at com.bartz24.moartinkers.proxy.CommonProxy.preInit( at com.bartz24.moartinkers.proxy.ClientProxy.preInit( at com.bartz24.moartinkers.MoarTinkers.preInit( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor3.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( at$ at$DirectExecutor.execute( at at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( at at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at at$SynchronizedSubscriber.invokeSubscriberMethod( at$ at$DirectExecutor.execute( at at$PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch( at at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.preinitializeMods( at net.minecraftforge.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.beginMinecraftLoading( at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a( at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:123) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(
A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
-- System Details -- Details: Minecraft Version: 1.12.2 Operating System: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1 Java Version: 1.8.0_151, Oracle Corporation Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation Memory: 17226472504 bytes (16428 MB) / 19246874624 bytes (18355 MB) up to 19246874624 bytes (18355 MB) JVM Flags: 7 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xmx18G -Xms18G -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Xmn768M IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 0, tallocated: 0 FML: MCP 9.42 Powered by Forge 193 mods loaded, 193 mods active States: 'U' = Unloaded 'L' = Loaded 'C' = Constructed 'H' = Pre-initialized 'I' = Initialized 'J' = Post-initialized 'A' = Available 'D' = Disabled 'E' = Errored
OTGCorePlugin (OTG-Core.jar) com.pg85.otg.forge.asm.OTGClassTransformer IELoadingPlugin (ImmersiveEngineering-0.12-76-core.jar) blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.asm.IEClassTransformer CTMCorePlugin (CTM-MC1.12- team.chisel.ctm.client.asm.CTMTransformer Plugin (NotEnoughIDs- ru.fewizz.neid.asm.Transformer NWRTweak (redstonepaste-mc1.12-1.7.5.jar) net.fybertech.nwr.NWRTransformer MalisisCorePlugin (malisiscore-1.12.2-6.3.0.jar)
MalisisSwitchesPlugin (malisisswitches-1.12-5.0.0.jar) net.malisis.switches.asm.MalisisSwitchesTransformer Inventory Tweaks Coremod (InventoryTweaks-1.63.jar) invtweaks.forge.asm.ContainerTransformer ShetiPhian-ASM (shetiphiancore-1.12.0-3.5.5.jar) shetiphian.asm.ClassTransformer TransformerLoader (OpenComputers-MC1.12.1- li.cil.oc.common.asm.ClassTransformer MovingWorldCore (movingworld-1.12-6.342-full.jar)
LoadingPlugin (AdChimneys-1.12.1-$BlockRandomTick$BlockStateChange DummyPlugin (ForgeEndertech-1.12.1-