Bartzi / see

Code for the AAAI 2018 publication "SEE: Towards Semi-Supervised End-to-End Scene Text Recognition"
GNU General Public License v3.0
574 stars 147 forks source link with GPU #21

Open ran337287 opened 6 years ago

ran337287 commented 6 years ago

When I run with parameters gpu=-1(that is cpu), it can return the results. But if I set gpu=0, there is something wrong. The error is ValueError:numpy and cupy must not be used together type(W):<class 'numpy.ndarray'>, type(x):<class 'cupy.core.core.ndarray'>,type(b):<class 'numpy.ndarray'> I know nothing about Chainer, what should I do to solve it?

Bartzi commented 6 years ago

That's a very good question. I can not reproduce this error on my machine. The error tells you that your model (i.e. the parameters) has not been copied to the GPU, but your data is. The model should be copied to the GPU automatically, if you set the command line argument --gpu to 0 Did you change anything in

ran337287 commented 6 years ago

Thank U for your reply. @Bartzi I didn't change anything in The only thing I changed is gpu=-1 or gpu=0. I installed pipenv, and ran the code in virtual environment. The version of requirements is satisfied.

Bartzi commented 6 years ago

Could you provide the exact command you used to invoke the script and also the exact error you get? As I said, I can not reproduce the error here...

ran337287 commented 6 years ago

I download the from, and unzip it to folder 'see'. When I execute python ~/see/chainer/ ~/see/text_recognition_model/model \ ~/see/text_recognition_model/model/model_190000.npz ~/see/demo/19.png \ ~/see/datasets/textrec/ctc_char_map.json --gpu=-1 It returns image

I download the from, and unzip it to folder 'see When I execute python ~/see/chainer/ ~/see/text_recognition_model/model \ ~/see/text_recognition_model/model/model_190000.npz ~/see/demo/19.png \ ~/see/datasets/textrec/ctc_char_map.json --gpu=0 it returns image

Bartzi commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure, whether this will fix it, but I your command-line should look like this:

python ~/see/chainer/ ~/see/text_recognition_model/model  \
 model_190000.npz ~/see/demo/19.png \ 
~/see/datasets/textrec/ctc_char_map.json --gpu=0
chansekar commented 6 years ago

HI @Bartzi

I am facing a similar issue as well, the output i get always returns an ordered Dictionary.

Am i missing any steps here?

Regards Sekar

Bartzi commented 6 years ago

An ordered dictionary is the expected output =)

The keys of this dictionary are the predicted words and the values are ordered dictionaries with the bboxes predicted for this word.

chansekar commented 6 years ago

HI Bartzi,

My understanding was the same, however for the same file i ran i got the below output.

prediction [26 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] word1 [26 15] word2 pe select-003

python ~/TextOcr/SEE/text_recognition_model/model \model_190000.npz ~/Pictures/select_003.png ~/TextOcr/SEE/see-master/datasets/textrec/ctc_char_map.json

Which does not match the image. Can you let me know where am i going wrong?

Regards Sekar

Bartzi commented 6 years ago

You are using an image, where the network does not know how to handle it. It has only been trained on images with one line of cropped-text, and not two. You can not use this model for such predictions. That is the problem you are facing here.

chansekar commented 6 years ago

Thanks Bartzi,

That really helped, appreciate your timely help.