Bartzi / see

Code for the AAAI 2018 publication "SEE: Towards Semi-Supervised End-to-End Scene Text Recognition"
GNU General Public License v3.0
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FSNS训练问题 #68

Open MS-MA opened 5 years ago

MS-MA commented 5 years ago

@Bartzi 您好: 我有一个关于fsns模型训练的问题,恳求得到您的回答。 在准备fsns训练数据时,做完准备数据的1、2、3、4四步后,我理解的是 此时每张图片中单词数最多为默认的6个,每个单词最多有21个字符。但单词中字符的个数不足21个时,gt文件就用blank_label的类(133)填充,单词数不足6个时,gt文件也用类133填充。但是在创建curriculum learning strategy时,将从tfrecord提取的groundtruth based on line的gt文件转为groundtruth based on correspond nummber of words的新的gt文件时, 又用类0代表blank_label,在transform_classes.py文件中用类0作为间隔来区分单词,不足21个字符的单词用类0进行填充,这么操作,我会认为数据准备阶段的3和4两步会起不到任何作用,可以不再去执行。不知道我这样理解的是否正确

Bartzi commented 5 years ago

I'm sorry but I do not speak chinese and I'm definitely not able to read it :sweat_smile: could you ask your question again in English?

MS-MA commented 5 years ago

oh,i am sorry, i didn't realize this problem.