Bartzi / see

Code for the AAAI 2018 publication "SEE: Towards Semi-Supervised End-to-End Scene Text Recognition"
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Problems in training images with 5 or more bounding boxes #94

Open jeasung-pf opened 4 years ago

jeasung-pf commented 4 years ago


I am now training the FSNS datasets with images containing 5 or more boxes and the thing is that when calculating losses in your model, there are preconfigured weights to be multiplied with the loss on each bounding boxes and that makes an index out of bound error when calculating the loss on the fifth bounding box. Below are code blocks you wrote.

        loss_weights = [1, 1.25, 2, 1.25]
        for i, (predictions, grid, labels) in enumerate(zip(batch_predictions, F.separate(grids, axis=0), F.separate(t, axis=1)), start=1):
            with cuda.get_device_from_array(getattr(predictions, 'data', predictions[0].data)):
                # adapt ctc weight depending on current prediction position and labels
                # if all labels are blank, we want this weight to be full weight!
                print("{}".format(i - 1))
                overall_loss_weight = loss_weights[i - 1]
                loss = self.calc_actual_loss(predictions, grid, labels)
                # label_lengths = self.get_label_lengths(labels)

                for sub_grid in F.separate(grid, axis=1):
                    width, height = self.get_bbox_side_lengths(sub_grid)
                    loss += self.area_loss_factor * self.calc_area_loss(width, height)
                    loss += self.aspect_ratio_loss_factor * self.calc_aspect_ratio_loss(width, height)
                    loss += self.calc_direction_loss(sub_grid)
                    loss += self.calc_height_loss(height)
                loss *= overall_loss_weight

Does it mean that usually the size and complexity of decoding sequences in the third box is bigger than any other boxes in the data? If so, did you conduct experiments with equally weighted bounding boxes?

Bartzi commented 4 years ago

That is kind of right. I added these loss_weights in order to encourage the network to correct errors in the third word, since the dataset mainly consists of images with three words. This was just a performance measure and everything should work fine with loss equally weighted loss weights.