Base24 / base24-vscode

Base 24 themes for VSCode based on the Dracula theme
MIT License
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Question: Join us on Matrix? #14

Closed JamyGolden closed 6 months ago

JamyGolden commented 8 months ago

I'm not sure if you know about it, but we moved off of IRC and are on for IM type of chats. There aren't many of us there :sweat_smile: but it would be good to have you there so you can be part of random discussions that might happen.

Also not related to base* things, but I have a project idea I want to get your thoughts on (if you're ok with that) so would be good to have a place where I could send a DM :relaxed:

FredHappyface commented 8 months ago

Yeah sounds like a good idea actually, I had an account a while back though never used it so it since got binned. Happy to do a round 2 though :)

JamyGolden commented 7 months ago

I'm about done with a sublime-text template, in my mind it's going to be, however, I'm starting to wonder if it may be better to group the different systems into 1. So could generate base16 and base24 templates for people to choose from. Maybe there are down sides I'm not thinking of though, what do you think?

FredHappyface commented 7 months ago

Yeah personally I'm happy with that. The point of base24 in the first place was to be forwards and backwards compatible to a good degree. So you could easily keep using base16 themes and schemes

JamyGolden commented 7 months ago

What do you think about including other systems? (Ones that may not exist yet). So where it works, especially for editor extensions, having “global templates” which allow users to select between any theme in the various systems. This would also mean that there would be multiple mustache templates in one of these repos.