BasedHardware / Friend

AI wearable necklace
MIT License
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Global news plugin #362

Closed bbookman closed 5 days ago

josancamon19 commented 5 days ago

LLM's do not have access to up to date news, just til their training date. Also, I don't see how this relates to transcripts.

bbookman commented 5 days ago
  1. ChatGPT 4o does have access to the internet. I don't submit code without testing it myself. This is tested.

  2. IMO plugins don't have to relate strictly to transcription. The description says that this is a journaling tool. Think of it like you want developers to make apps. This would be part of an app for journaling.

I think of it as the Friend app was a journaling app.

If the plug-ins must process the transcript, please update the read me or some other document that describes the exact bounds for what a plug-in is and a plug-in is not.

I believe you should let the audience decide what they do and do not want rather than rejecting it

However, just like any other marketplace, if there are rules, then people need to follow them

Right now, there are no rules that I know of

bbookman commented 5 days ago

I also recommend you do not close issues if they're really not closed.

A ticket and a pull request is a conversation

If someone submitted code and he wanted them to change the code, you would not choose to close the pull request