Baseflow / flutter_cached_network_image

Download, cache and show images in a flutter app
2.4k stars 631 forks source link

[macOS] OS Error: Operation not permitted #945

Open 12people opened 3 weeks ago

12people commented 3 weeks ago

🐛 Bug Report

I' m trying to use this package on macOS, but am running into this error:

_ClientSocketException (ClientException with SocketException: Connection failed (OS Error: Operation not permitted, errno = 1), address =, port = 80, uri=

Expected behavior

The placeholder should load.

Reproduction steps

  1. Create a new Flutter project.
  2. On the main screen, replace the "Hello World" Text widget with:
            imageUrl: "",
            placeholder: (context, url) => CircularProgressIndicator(),
            errorWidget: (context, url, error) => Icon(Icons.error),
  3. Run the app on macOS.


Version: 3.3.1
