Basement-Science / SatisfactoryMod_Speedo

Mod for the Game "Satisfactory" - Speedometer HUD overlay
MIT License
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[Suggestion] Fall damage numeric estimation #2

Open budak7273 opened 2 years ago

budak7273 commented 2 years ago

You might be able to take the fall damage estimation color feature a step further by plugging in the player's velocity into the fall damage curve. I'm not sure exactly where it is, but if you generate a full project dump and filter in the editor by data curve assets, you'll probably find it.

Basement-Science commented 2 years ago

yeah I may look into that. I thought about changing the icon to the skull when the damage will actually kill you based on your health, but didn't find a quick solution at the time. But then I dont know much about unreal and modding, and hadn't looked into this Asset Toolkit at all either.

In general I wanted to get a few status attributes about the player that I couldn't find yet, like being in a vehicle for example.

budak7273 commented 2 years ago

If you do pursue this, here's the paths for the curves:

Normal CurveFloat'/Game/FactoryGame/Character/Player/FallDamageCurve.FallDamageCurve' image

Blade Runners CurveFloat'/Game/FactoryGame/Equipment/JumpingStilts/JumpingStilts_FallDamageCurve.JumpingStilts_FallDamageCurve' image

I'm not sure offhand how to detect being in a vehicle, but I think the Pawn possessed by the player controller will change when this is the case. Pawns/Controllers are an Unreal concept. You can get the local player controller via the blueprint node GetPlayerController or you can get it from an actor's instigator.

Basement-Science commented 2 years ago

I tried getting the dump tool working but alpakit failed to build it for whatever reason. Didn't find a solution for that. It just complained about not finding a file it was working on itself. No idea what's up with that. Maybe some future version will fix it.

MinoDab492 commented 2 years ago


You need to compile the project in VS before you alpakit. If you didn't do that already.

Basement-Science commented 2 years ago

You need to compile the project in VS before you alpakit. If you didn't do that already.

I found the solution in the meantime. Alpakit was upset at the directory structure I used even though unreal editor is fine with it.

MinoDab492 commented 2 years ago

You need to compile the project in VS before you alpakit. If you didn't do that already.

I found the solution in the meantime. Alpakit was upset at the directory structure I used even though unreal editor is fine with it.

Great to hear! I was looking for ideas from the SF Modding Discord Server, and I was given the idea to make a speedometer for Satisfactory in MPH. I was wondering if you would be willing to teach me the basics of how the mod hooks in, and get's the speed, and all of that stuff?

budak7273 commented 2 years ago

@MinoDab492 The mod is open source, you should be able to clone it into a plugin folder in your current Unreal project and explore how the mod is set up from there

MinoDab492 commented 2 years ago

True, but I more meant could they help me actually understand what each thing does and all that.

Basement-Science commented 2 years ago

True, but I more meant could they help me actually understand what each thing does and all that.

So did you see that I opened another thread for you? Or have you lost interest?